ryangjchandler / orbit

A flat-file database driver for Eloquent. 🗄
MIT License
844 stars 39 forks source link

Crashes on composer install #167

Open cryptobrains opened 5 months ago

cryptobrains commented 5 months ago

At the post-install step of

@php artisan package:discover --ansi

composer install crashes with

Package operations: 2 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Installing spatie/yaml-front-matter (2.0.8): Extracting archive
  - Installing ryangjchandler/orbit (v1.3.0): Extracting archive
Generating optimized autoload files
> Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump
> @php artisan package:discover --ansi


  could not find driver (Connection: orbit_meta, SQL: PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF;)

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:829
    825▕                     $this->getName(), $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e
    826▕                 );
    827▕             }
  ➜ 829▕             throw new QueryException(
    830▕                 $this->getName(), $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e
    831▕             );
    832▕         }
    833▕     }

  1   [internal]:0
      +27 vendor frames 

  29  [internal]:0

Script @php artisan package:discover --ansi handling the post-autoload-dump event returned with error code 1

On a basic Laravel 10 project with the following minimal dependencies

       "php": "^8.3",
        "ext-curl": "*",
        "ext-mbstring": "*",
        "ext-pdo": "*",
        "ext-pdo_pgsql": "*",
        "ext-simplexml": "*",
        "doctrine/dbal": "^3.6",
        "filament/filament": "^3.0-stable",
        "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.2",
        "laravel/framework": "^10.10",
        "laravel/sanctum": "^3.2",
        "laravel/tinker": "^2.8",
        "league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3": "=3.26.0",
        "spatie/laravel-backup": "^8.1",
        "spatie/laravel-short-schedule": "^1.5"
ryangjchandler commented 5 months ago

This package requires SQLite.

cryptobrains commented 5 months ago

Ah, perhaps update the readme or add a pre-install check ?

ryangjchandler commented 5 months ago

Yeah, I should actually just add ext-pdo_sqlite to the requirements.