ryanhay / ocp4-metal-install

Install OpenShift 4 on Bare Metal - UPI
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Making sure that master is not schedulable #3

Closed florianmoss closed 3 years ago

florianmoss commented 3 years ago

Hi Ryan

I would suggest making it clear that the:

sed -i 's/mastersSchedulable: true/mastersSchedulable: false/' ~/ocp-install/manifests/cluster-scheduler-02-config.yml

command is not optional. I missed it the first time and the following instructions only work when the commands were run before. Great guide though, highly appreciated!

ryanhay commented 3 years ago

Hi Florianmoss, thanks for the feedback. What didn't work for you when the masters weren't schedulable? Did you bring the worker nodes up and add them to the cluster during installation so the pods that couldn't be scheduled on the master could be scheduled?

florianmoss commented 3 years ago

Hi Ryan

it all worked when I made the masters not schedulable. I had issues when I made the masters schedulable, the console and authentication didn't come up afterward. In the written guide it was not clear that it is mandatory to run:

sed -i 's/mastersSchedulable: true/mastersSchedulable: false/' ~/ocp-install/manifests/cluster-scheduler-02-config.yml

When reading it first, it sounds like it is optional to run the command. I just think it should be made a bit more clear 👍 .

ryanhay commented 3 years ago

I see, just wanted to understand what wasn't working for you because I do think that step is optional. When making the Masters schedulable did you update the HAProxy config to include the Masters in the ingress backends?