ryanheath / RavenDB-NodaTime

Noda Time support for RavenDB
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Unable to query ZonedDateTime when using RavenDB.Client >= 5.3.100 #29

Closed wagich closed 2 years ago

wagich commented 2 years ago

When trying to query a ZonedDateTime property (using ToInstant()), the query processing blows up with MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Result Raven.Client.Documents.Linq.LinqPathProvider.GetPath(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression)'..

It looks like the signature of GetPath changed in RavenDB 5.3.100 (see https://github.com/ravendb/ravendb/commit/ea67ed339fe38618c5cafc8f4ea999de854feeb1 for the diff) causing the failure.

Would you be able to release a new version of the package compiled against RavenDB.Client 5.3.100 or higher?

ryanheath commented 2 years ago

Do you have a failing test for this problem?

wagich commented 2 years ago

I've created a test project at https://github.com/wagich/ReplicateZonedDateTimeQueryProblem.

The issue can also be replicated in the integrated test project by replacing the ProjectReference to Raven.Client.NodaTime.csproj with a package reference to the nuget package RavenDB.Client.NodaTime while also bumping the RavenDB package version to >=5.3.100.

ryanheath commented 2 years ago

fixed with v5.3.102