ryanheath / RavenDB-NodaTime

Noda Time support for RavenDB
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NuGet versions #8

Closed mdocter closed 7 years ago

mdocter commented 8 years ago

Hi Matt,

Thank you for this great library! I really would love to use it within a ASP.NET 5 web app, but I couldn't store Entities with LocalDate properties when using the most recent NodaTime and RavenDB.Client NuGet packages. Can't remember exactly, but it was something like: 'OffsetPattern.GeneralInvariantPattern' property does not exist. The NodaTime and RavenDB.Client versions I used were 2.0.0-alpha20150728 and 3.0.30026-Unstable. The problem I had was solved when I lowered the NodaTime and RavenDB.Client NuGet packages to version 1.3.0 and 3.0.3528, like you use in the Source Code. Could you please update the project so it works with more recent NodaTime and RavenDB.Client NuGet packages? That would be really awesome and helpful. I don't have enough knowledge in the Date/Time field to fork the project, fix it myself and send you a pull request. Please help.

Kind regards,


mattjohnsonpint commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the heads-up. I'll test against the current versions and let you know what I find.

Be aware though that I don't intend to investigate ASP.NET 5 support (especially under .NET Core) until ASP.NET is RTM and the RavenDB Client is fully supporting it.

mdocter commented 8 years ago

Great! Thanks Matt! DNX only support is fine with me :-)

mattjohnsonpint commented 8 years ago

Have you got Raven working under DNX yet? I haven't tried myself.

mdocter commented 8 years ago

You mean the RavenDB server? Nope. Wouldn't know how to do that...

I only tried the latest NuGet Client packages in a ASP.NET 5 web app (or ASP.NET Core 1. as it's called now) against a local IIS hosted 3.0.30000 dev installation.

Didn't try the 3.0.30037 build from last week yet either.

mattjohnsonpint commented 7 years ago

Hey, sorry for the long delay. I'm not doing much with RavenDB these days.

I just updated to support RavenDB 3.5. It should work with the latest versions of everything now.

LMK if this is still a concern for you and I will reopen. Thanks.