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Text to speech? #4

Open lilruffian opened 2 years ago

lilruffian commented 2 years ago

Do you think it’s possible to have macOS speak the selected text? I imagine a plug-in that provides visual and audio reading cues would be helpful for people with Dyslexia, ADHD, etc.

Just a thought.

ryanjamurphy commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the idea! I am intrigued. How do you imagine it would work? E.g., if you hover over an item for a few seconds, it speaks the text aloud?

If it worked immediately after you hover over everything, it might be quite the chaotic experience, because it would constantly trigger as you scan a page with your mouse. Still, maybe folks who use voiceover-type tools are used to that.

lilruffian commented 2 years ago

Having it speak immediately was what I was thinking. I’m used to the stop start chaos you mentioned. But I could see a delay option being useful for people seeking a more sane experience. Perhaps there’s even a third option which speaks this whole page from the top and the user is free to hover text blocks to highlight without affecting the audio. Best to give users the choice maybe?

lilruffian commented 2 years ago

While we’re at it, styling the page for comprehension could be interesting too. Like rendering enlightenment preview mode with something like https://www.beelinereader.com/ or https://bionic-reading.com/en/.

All these features would aid people who have difficulty reading. Many more would find it useful though I’m sure. I can see something like this being helpful to learn lines in a script, practice for a big presentation or job interview etc.