ryankeleti / ega

amateur translation project of Grothendieck's EGA.
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use katex for inline rendering #130

Open ryankeleti opened 4 years ago

ryankeleti commented 4 years ago

done, closing

thosgood commented 4 years ago

is there any hope for using katex for display math as well? I'm guessing that it's commutative squares that are the problem

ryankeleti commented 4 years ago

yes possibly, I could make special delimiters for xymatrix so mathjax only renders those

thosgood commented 4 years ago

this could be good, because if katex ever does sort out xymatrix then we're on a roll

thosgood commented 1 year ago

it's worth mentioning that katex does now support ams-cd, which allows for commutative squares (but nothing fancier, e.g. no diagonal arrows). I don't think it's worth taking the time to go through and change all the xymatrix occurrences right now, but I can imagine that this wouldn't be to hard to regex at some point in the future.

I'm not sure, however, if there are any e.g. squares with diagonal arrows, that would stop us from wanting to move entirely over the katex — leaving this comment here just to prompt me to look into this at some point in the future