ryankeleti / ega

amateur translation project of Grothendieck's EGA.
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theorem etc. before \sref #88

Closed thosgood closed 5 years ago

thosgood commented 5 years ago

I've just noticed that a bunch of \sref{} commands are preceded by Theorem, Lemma, or whatever, even when this isn't the case in the original (which is seemingly random in its use of Theroem vs theorem vs thm.). Is the aim to prefix all srefs with their name like this? If so, I'll start doing this when proofreading. Also if so, how will we refer to unnamed paragraphs? Just as "by (3.1.2) and Theorem (6.1.1)"?

thosgood commented 5 years ago

Another 'if so' question: how should we deal with sentences like "It evidently suffices (2.1.3) to consider ...", because "It evidently suffices (Theorem (2.1.3)) to consider ..." has a lot of brackets (though I guess maybe we don't care about that, if it doesn't look too bad).

ryankeleti commented 5 years ago

I decided to only put the word when it makes grammatical sense. So I don't do it for every thing, and no (Theorem (...)) etc. Unnamed paragraphs will remain as is. What do you think?

thosgood commented 5 years ago

sounds just right to me :-)