ryankiros / skip-thoughts

Sent2Vec encoder and training code from the paper "Skip-Thought Vectors"
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How to train the Bi-skip model mentioned in the paper? #4

Closed bdhingra closed 9 years ago

bdhingra commented 9 years ago

Hello Ryan,

Thanks a lot for the excellent code. I was trying to train the Bi-skip model mentioned in your paper on my dataset. However only the uni-skip model seems to be present in the training code. Is that correct? Do you plan to add it?

Thanks in advance! Bhuwan

ryankiros commented 9 years ago

Hi Bhuwan,

That's correct. Sure, I can add this but it might take some time (super busy at the moment)

In the mean time, you could use this as a guide if you want to modify the training code yourself: https://github.com/ryankiros/skip-thoughts/blob/master/skipthoughts.py#L302-L322


bdhingra commented 9 years ago

Thank you Ryan. That seems pretty straightforward.