ryanlindsey / middleman-hamlsasscoffee

A Middleman project template using Haml, Sass & Coffeescript
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Doesn't work with LiveReload extension #1

Closed pzi closed 10 years ago

pzi commented 11 years ago

Hi Ryan

I followed the installation steps and also put activate :livereload into my config.rb. Additionally, I have added the livereload gem into the Gemfile.

After bundle install and middleman server I get a (huge) error.

Let me know if you need more information or if this is a know problem.


ryanlindsey commented 11 years ago

I just initialized a new middleman app and passed the template flag. I confirmed that livereload works as expected.

Can you please provide more details on the error that you received and I'd be glad to help get it working for you.

helmutgranda commented 10 years ago

Adding a comment here for those who run into a similar issue, in my case I was following the patter in the config.rb file but didn't notice at first that I was setting up the flag under "configure :build do", so I moved my statement right before the different css/js/images declaration and it works as expected.

pzi commented 10 years ago

Sorry I never posted that error.

However, @helmutgranda is right. I just initialized a new project, added gem "middleman-livereload", "~> 3.1.0" to my Gemfile and activate :livereload before the :build line in my config.rb and it works fine.

Thanks @pixelsonly

ryanlindsey commented 10 years ago

@pzi Live-reload is pretty standard these days, how about I add it do the Gemfile and activate it by default to avoid confusion?

pzi commented 10 years ago

Hey @pixelsonly, sorry for the delayed answer. I generally use livereload whenever I can, yes. Makes it so much easier during active development. :)

pzi commented 10 years ago

Hey @pixelsonly, how are you feeling about my PRs? :)