ryanlopezzzz / EEG

We build an EEG headset which allows the user to send morse code to a computer using their brain wave activity.
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Question regarding the schematic and the circuit #14

Open amfisevan opened 1 month ago

amfisevan commented 1 month ago

Hello. I was very fascinated by this whole project, and right now I'm so eager to make this by myself. I barely knew how to understand the schematic, but I am in the progress of learning and I finally got to analyze it partially. The point is, when I was comparing the schematic and the picture of the circuit(physical setup), I realized that some components were missing and mismatched from the schematic.(resisters or others) I might be mistaken due to my poor skills.. So I wanted to ask if it is valid to make the circuit by only depending on the schematic, or should I compare and adjust according to the physical setup(circuit picture) that you guys already made. If it is the latter case which I compare with the physical setup, I find it very challenging to compare, because of the labels that were blocking the proper view of the circuit... (N1, A2, HP, LP labels etc.)

Secondly, I don't find any specific instructions for what I should do after making the circuit(connected to RPI). Just simply run the 'basic_use_eeg.py' on the RPI. --> Is this all I have to do? Or are there any other steps for this? (I haven't had the chance to analyze the code yet)

Lastly, is Open Scope MZ(or oscilloscope) essential for this project? They seem to be very expensive, and obviously I can't afford them. If it is essential for the project, are there any alternatives?

Thanks for reading my lame questions. If it is possible to answer, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.