ryanmcalister / unotes

Unotes Visual Studio Code Extension. A markdown WYSIWYG notes editor.
MIT License
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Cursor caret goes to beginning of file each 3-4 written chars, or even simply by clicking with mouse. #113

Closed marco-sanjuan closed 1 year ago

marco-sanjuan commented 2 years ago

Hi, and thanks for a great tool!

I'm experiencing a weird behaviour. Each time I type some chars, caret goes to begining of file, and also removes some of that written chars. This happens even sometimes without writting, with a simple clicking with mouse.

This occurs in both the WYSIWYG view and the markdown view.

I tried uninstalling unotes, deleting plugin folder and reinstalling. Even tried the Piyush fork with same result.

I'm not sure if problem is in UNotes or VSCode, but this doesn't happens with other files and plugins.

Hope anyone can help, i'm turning mad. Thanks!

Windows 10 Pro VSCode 1.63.0 UNotes 1.3.1

marco-sanjuan commented 2 years ago

I donn't know why but today I have not had the problem... let's see tomorrow....

marco-sanjuan commented 2 years ago

Today, started the issue again from the first VSCode startup....

marco-sanjuan commented 2 years ago

Today I uninstalled VSCode, removed all vscode configuration/hidden files from my personal folder, and made a fresh installation with only UNotes plugin.

Same issue...

Can not figure out what is happening here...

ryanmcalister commented 2 years ago

I'm having trouble reproducing this issue in Windows and Linux (haven't tried with mac). I do experience a loss of focus when vscode first gets focus and haven't found a solution for that yet. They might be related.

marco-sanjuan commented 2 years ago

Great, tell me if i can help

EdgarRueda commented 2 years ago

presento el mismo problema, al intentar escribir, el mouse del cursos se va al inicio de la nota

ryan-mcalister commented 2 years ago

I noticed this happening when Steam was opened. Closing Steam seemed to fix the issue.

marco-sanjuan commented 2 years ago

I don't have Steam installed, hope it helps.