ryanmcgrath / cacao

Rust bindings for AppKit (macOS) and UIKit (iOS/tvOS). Experimental, but working!
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missing CALayer.contents -> Any? #120

Open aiden-leong opened 2 weeks ago

aiden-leong commented 2 weeks ago

Apple Docs: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/quartzcore/calayer/1410773-contents

var contents: Any? { get set }

Further, one possible type it accepts is IOSurface which is NOT included in this repo.

Ref: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/iosurface

Maybe we can create another binding repo for IOSurface.framework?

aiden-leong commented 2 weeks ago

BTW: Do you have Discord/Telegram channels for discussion?

ryanmcgrath commented 2 weeks ago

Do you have more info on what you're trying to accomplish? e.g is this for a bare CALayer you own or a CALayer backing an NSView?

Since the objc property of CALayer is exposed publicly, you can message it directly with objc calls (e.g let _: () = msg_send![my_view.layer.id, surface];). You of course need to handle the lifetimes and safety yourself, but this is one of those territories where it's the preferred way of doing it at the moment.

If you wind up finding a more comfortable API and/or you want to buff the CALayer wrapper to be more comprehensive, a pull request is always welcome. I wouldn't pull IOSurface into this framework necessarily, similar to how Metal isn't really in here either (though other crates exist for it). In general I just try to make it possible for crates to interop via the objc layer if possible.

I considered making a channel on Matrix at one point, but the level of activity here isn't so significant that it's needed.

aiden-leong commented 2 weeks ago

Do you have more info on what you're trying to accomplish? e.g is this for a bare CALayer you own or a CALayer backing an NSView?

Yes. I'm trying to rewrite a demo from Apple. (You'll need to download the .zip file.) https://developer.apple.com/documentation/screencapturekit/capturing_screen_content_in_macos

contentLayer.contents = frame.surface is the final step that put a CapturedFrame on an NSView so we can see it on the screen. (It's an OBS-like app.)

Since the objc property of CALayer is exposed publicly, you can message it directly with objc calls (e.g let _: () = msg_send![my_view.layer.id, surface];). You of course need to handle the lifetimes and safety yourself, but this is one of those territories where it's the preferred way of doing it at the moment.

Great. I didn't find the correct way to call msg_send, now I do. I'll have a try if I can handle the lifetimes.
