ryanmuller / Rsrchr

Platform for collaborative research
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URLs for people's wikis not stored #22

Closed houshuang closed 12 years ago

houshuang commented 12 years ago

Currently there is no field for your researchr wiki when signing up, and when you click on my name under "Notes and highlights", I get to this URL: http://stormy-leaf-9036.herokuapp.com/wiki/ref:asterhan2010assessing

ryanmuller commented 12 years ago

I intended to have it require that full URLs are submitted for greater flexibility, but it would be easy enough to add that as well.

ryanmuller commented 12 years ago

On the other hand, this would be a good way to avoid spam.

houshuang commented 12 years ago

Oh I see, it's in this line

payload = { "ref_link" => { "url" => Internet_path + "/ref:" + citation },

the problem is my Internet_path is relative to the server so it works well on localhost and remotely, I could easily set up two different paths in settings. I thought you just generated it based on a field in the database which was filled in for you and empty for others :)


ryanmuller commented 12 years ago

Since I'm probably going to use reflinks for wordpress also, going to close this for now. May think about it again if spam becomes a concern.

houshuang commented 12 years ago

I think that would be fine. Either way you'll require APIs, and you could add a captcha for signup, easily block spamming accounts etc. And anyway I don't think they'll catch on that quickly to a custom API, it's a much bigger problem for WordPress and sites with similar interfaces.
