ryanmuller / Rsrchr

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Create wordpress plugin to import citation info and export reflinks for posts #31

Open ryanmuller opened 12 years ago

houshuang commented 12 years ago

Ideally this would not just enable importing citation info, but also displaying nicely formatted citation in blog (as well as machine readable? see this

houshuang commented 12 years ago

(there already is a researchr plugin for WordPress, one could easily add scrobbling to that...) The other thing is a nice selection feature - one could of course manually look up stuff in scrobblr, copy the citekey, and go, but it would be great with some kind of window that did fancy fuzzy lookup over the whole citation (not just the citekey) and let you easily insert citation - probably with citations from your own library prioritzed, then group etc. LinkedIn had some open source code which might be useful

Any functionality developed for Wordpress could quite trivially be reused for for example a DokuWiki plugin (both php etc, only wrapper that's a bit different)