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Compress adjacent scrobbls on display page #44

Closed houshuang closed 12 years ago

houshuang commented 12 years ago

I might send several scrobbl events on the same article - I might for example export it, go back and add more notes, and export it again, etc. However the "reading" event should only be displayed once. To me, this is different from #29, in that this is more about how information is displayed, than how it is stored internally (also #29 refers to immediately adjacency, whereas in this case, I might go back to an article several times during a single day, while scrobbling other articles in the meantime - it should still just be listed as me reading that article once that day).

ryanmuller commented 12 years ago

Yeah, I think this is a better solution. (Last.fm has an interesting solution: you have to listen to at least half the length of the song. But I don't think there's anything analogous that would work here.)

Hopefully I can get back to working on this next week! (When two other side projects are finished :P)

2012/3/22 Stian Hklev < reply@reply.github.com

I might send several scrobbl events on the same article - I might for example export it, go back and add more notes, and export it again, etc. However the "reading" event should only be displayed once. To me, this is different from #29, in that this is more about how information is displayed, than how it is stored internally (also #29 refers to immediately adjacency, whereas in this case, I might go back to an article several times during a single day, while scrobbling other articles in the meantime

  • it should still just be listed as me reading that article once that day).

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ryanmuller commented 12 years ago

Woot, I think this is working. Not 100% sure it's grabbing the latest, so keep an eye out for anything weird (hopefully I can get around to writing some tests too).

houshuang commented 12 years ago

Well the frontpage sure looks a whole lot more interesting all of a sudden! :)