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Add UTF16 to cheat sheet #1059

Closed Finii closed 1 year ago

Finii commented 1 year ago

Now that this is moving into the non Basic Multilingual Plane, it would be useful to also have the UTF-16 notation for these icons in the cheat sheet next to hex as that one can't be used directly in JSON or other text files. For example, nf-md-folder hex value is f024b which can't be used as \uf024b unlike before. From a user perspective that's not very accessible, so having the UTF-16 notation (\udb80\ude4b) in the sheet would be very useful.

Originally posted by @JanDeDobbeleer in https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/issues/365#issuecomment-1398110379

Finii commented 1 year ago


I can hardly believe that "JSON and other text files" can not use the 5 digit hex values. Sure enough I can still enter it directly on any text prompt (via shift+ctrl+u f 0 2 4 b enter (linux)).

Are you sure that JSON can just UTF-16? Is there any spec page?

In text files I usually either have the concrete glyph typed in or use the nf-md-folder name id thing :thinking: Which files support "\uFFFF" (but not "\uFFFFFF")?

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I'm not angry with you, but with JSON ;-) Thanks for reporting.


Ok, some online JSON editor at least just parses the first 4 digits :unamused:

So a change for the cheat sheet is indeed useful.

This is how it looks right now


That would mean we need an additional field for UTF16 encoded or something.

I do hate web page programming :grimacing:

In principle we could rename Hex to UTF16 and place the \u.... there. To copy just the code one could click on the code in the bottom right corner (which is 'dead' right now). :thinking:

Finii commented 1 year ago

Moved the discussion here to separate the issues.

JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@Finii we went through the same experience 😂. For reference, this is where you can find that information in the spec, specifically in the last paragraph.

To escape an extended character that is not in the Basic Multilingual Plane, the character is represented as a twelve-character sequence, encoding the UTF-16 surrogate pair. So, for example, a string containing only the G clef character (U+1D11E) may be represented as "\uD834\uDD1E".

Finii commented 1 year ago

@JanDeDobbeleer Is it really possible to use two \u to create one code? My shell's echo and printf check the code provided to \u and of course the codes are in the forbidden range.

Instead I need to use \U or UTF8 and \x (raw codes), see https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/discussions/1077#discussioncomment-4775535 (bottom)

Edit: What I want to say: Maybe it makes more sense to provide UTF8 codes instead of UTF16?

JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@Finii yes, from JSON in my tests that works without issues.

Finii commented 1 year ago

Note to self: Adapt https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/wiki/FAQ-and-Troubleshooting#how-do-i-use-glyphs-in-my-terminal

Finii commented 1 year ago

yes, from JSON in my tests that works without issues.

But what about UTF8, as that solves more usecases, is that good for you too? I guess putting a two \u sequence that works in some places and not in others is not so nice; and the space is limited, we would need the UTF8 coding maybe anyhow?

JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@Finii just tried UTF-8 encoding and that doesn't output anything coming from JSON. And unlike the \uxxxx notation I have to escape the \. And, as stated in the official RFC, this isn't mentioned as supported at all.

Finii commented 1 year ago

Just finished the code to copy the utf16 stuff instead of hex. Let me push it.

Need to make a 'copy hex' thing for the hex display in the bottom right. Anyone a js freak? ;-)

Finii commented 1 year ago

You can try it, do not forget to update your page-cache by shift-reload or something.

Finii commented 1 year ago

Need to make a 'copy hex' thing for the hex display in the bottom right.



JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@Finii the codes are correct however it doesn't seem to copy \u, for example, I get db80 de4b for nf-md-folder. I would expect \udb80\ude4b

Finii commented 1 year ago

Aeh, pfff, well I though people would add that themselves? It would be a trivial change... Hmm. maybe a good addition

Finii commented 1 year ago

Done via d428bd7af eda8f0b5, do not forget to shift-reload if you wanna try

Finii commented 1 year ago

Strange code, why is c not reused?


Who wrote that code ;-D

Edit: Fixed now in eda8f0b

JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@Finii amazing work, I'm impressed 🚀

Finii commented 1 year ago

Just saw you 'are' oh-my-posh, I think many people raising issues here use that. I'm not sure if you have prepared codepoints for the prompts, but of course you are aware that the old material design icons will be dropped with Nerd Fonts v3?


JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@Finii I am, that's how I came to report this. What I'm still looking for is a way to migrate. I don't suppose you have a list of old vs new code points?

Finii commented 1 year ago

Quickly, with some sed, sort and uniq magic:


Edit: Add one final sort

open to see the list "old to new codepoint of material design icons":

``` f500 f0001 vector_square f501 f0003 access_point f502 f0002 access_point_network f503 f0004 account f504 f0005 account_alert f505 f0006 account_box f506 f0007 account_box_outline f507 f0008 account_check f508 f0009 account_circle f509 f000a account_convert f50a f000b account_key f50c f000d account_minus f50d f000e account_multiple f50e f000f account_multiple_outline f50f f0010 account_multiple_plus f510 f0011 account_network f511 f0012 account_off f512 f0013 account_outline f513 f0014 account_plus f514 f0015 account_remove f515 f0016 account_search f516 f0017 account_star f517 f0018 orbit f518 f0019 account_switch f519 f001a adjust f51a f001b air_conditioner f51b f001c airballoon f51c f001d airplane f51d f001e airplane_off f51f f0020 alarm f520 f0021 alarm_check f521 f0022 alarm_multiple f522 f0023 alarm_off f523 f0024 alarm_plus f524 f0025 album f525 f0026 alert f526 f0027 alert_box f527 f0028 alert_circle f528 f0029 alert_octagon f529 f002a alert_outline f52a f002b alpha f52b f002c alphabetical f52e f002f ambulance f52f f0030 amplifier f530 f0031 anchor f531 f0032 android f533 f0034 android_studio f534 f0035 apple f535 f0036 apple_finder f536 f0037 apple_ios f538 f0039 apple_safari f539 f003a font_awesome f53a f003b apps f53b f003c archive f53c f003d arrange_bring_forward f53d f003e arrange_bring_to_front f53e f003f arrange_send_backward f53f f0040 arrange_send_to_back f540 f0041 arrow_all f541 f0042 arrow_bottom_left f542 f0043 arrow_bottom_right f543 f0044 arrow_collapse_all f544 f0045 arrow_down f545 f0046 arrow_down_thick f546 f0047 arrow_down_bold_circle f547 f0048 arrow_down_bold_circle_outline f548 f0049 arrow_down_bold_hexagon_outline f549 f004a arrow_down_drop_circle f54a f004b arrow_down_drop_circle_outline f54b f004c arrow_expand_all f54c f004d arrow_left f54d f004e arrow_left_thick f54e f004f arrow_left_bold_circle f54f f0050 arrow_left_bold_circle_outline f550 f0051 arrow_left_bold_hexagon_outline f551 f0052 arrow_left_drop_circle f552 f0053 arrow_left_drop_circle_outline f553 f0054 arrow_right f554 f0055 arrow_right_thick f555 f0056 arrow_right_bold_circle f556 f0057 arrow_right_bold_circle_outline f557 f0058 arrow_right_bold_hexagon_outline f558 f0059 arrow_right_drop_circle f559 f005a arrow_right_drop_circle_outline f55a f005b arrow_top_left f55b f005c arrow_top_right f55c f005d arrow_up f55d f005e arrow_up_thick f55e f005f arrow_up_bold_circle f55f f0060 arrow_up_bold_circle_outline f560 f0061 arrow_up_bold_hexagon_outline f561 f0062 arrow_up_drop_circle f562 f0063 arrow_up_drop_circle_outline f563 f0064 assistant f564 f0065 at f565 f0066 attachment f567 f0068 auto_fix f568 f0069 auto_upload f569 f006a autorenew f56a f006b av_timer f56b f006c baby f56c f006d backburger f56d f006e backspace f56e f006f backup_restore f56f f0070 bank f570 f0071 barcode f571 f0072 barcode_scan f572 f0073 barley f573 f0074 barrel f575 f0076 basket f576 f0077 basket_fill f577 f0078 basket_unfill f578 f0079 battery f579 f007a battery_10 f57a f007b battery_20 f57b f007c battery_30 f57c f007d battery_40 f57d f007e battery_50 f57e f007f battery_60 f57f f0080 battery_70 f580 f0081 battery_80 f581 f0082 battery_90 f582 f0083 battery_alert f583 f0084 battery_charging f584 f0085 battery_charging_100 f585 f0086 battery_charging_20 f586 f0087 battery_charging_30 f587 f0088 battery_charging_40 f588 f0089 battery_charging_60 f589 f008a battery_charging_80 f58a f008b battery_charging_90 f58b f17e4 battery_minus f58c f008d battery_negative f58d f008e battery_outline f58e f17e6 battery_plus f58f f0090 battery_positive f590 f0091 battery_unknown f591 f0092 beach f592 f0093 flask f593 f0094 flask_empty f594 f0095 flask_empty_outline f595 f0096 flask_outline f597 f0098 beer f599 f009a bell f59a f009b bell_off f59b f009c bell_outline f59c f009d bell_plus f59d f009e bell_ring f59e f009f bell_ring_outline f59f f00a0 bell_sleep f5a0 f00a1 beta f5a2 f00a3 bike f5a4 f00a5 binoculars f5a5 f00a6 bio f5a6 f00a7 biohazard f5a7 f00a8 bitbucket f5a8 f00a9 black_mesa f5aa f0ceb blender f5ab f00ac blinds f5ac f00ad block_helper f5ae f00af bluetooth f5af f00b0 bluetooth_audio f5b0 f00b1 bluetooth_connect f5b1 f00b2 bluetooth_off f5b2 f00b3 bluetooth_settings f5b3 f00b4 bluetooth_transfer f5b4 f00b5 blur f5b5 f00b6 blur_linear f5b6 f00b7 blur_off f5b7 f00b8 blur_radial f5b8 f00b9 bone f5b9 f00ba book f5ba f00bb book_multiple f5bc f00bd book_open f5bd f14f7 book_open_variant f5be f00bf book_variant f5bf f00c0 bookmark f5c0 f00c1 bookmark_check f5c1 f00c2 bookmark_music f5c2 f00c3 bookmark_outline f5c3 f00c4 bookmark_plus_outline f5c4 f00c5 bookmark_plus f5c5 f00c6 bookmark_remove f5c6 f00c7 border_all f5c7 f00c8 border_bottom f5c8 f00c9 border_color f5c9 f00ca border_horizontal f5ca f00cb border_inside f5cb f00cc border_left f5cc f00cd border_none f5cd f00ce border_outside f5ce f00cf border_right f5cf f00d0 border_style f5d0 f00d1 border_top f5d1 f00d2 border_vertical f5d2 f00d3 bowling f5d3 f00d4 box f5d4 f00d5 box_cutter f5d5 f00d6 briefcase f5d6 f00d7 briefcase_check f5d7 f00d8 briefcase_download f5d8 f00d9 briefcase_upload f5d9 f00da brightness_1 f5da f00db brightness_2 f5db f00dc brightness_3 f5dc f00dd brightness_4 f5dd f00de brightness_5 f5de f00df brightness_6 f5df f00e0 brightness_7 f5e0 f00e1 brightness_auto f5e1 f00e2 broom f5e2 f00e3 brush f5e3 f00e4 bug f5e4 f00e5 bulletin_board f5e5 f00e6 bullhorn f5e6 f00e7 bus f5e7 f00e8 cached f5e8 f00e9 cake f5e9 f00ea cake_layered f5ea f00eb cake_variant f5eb f00ec calculator f5ec f00ed calendar f5ed f00ee calendar_blank f5ee f00ef calendar_check f5ef f00f0 calendar_clock f5f0 f00f1 calendar_multiple f5f1 f00f2 calendar_multiple_check f5f2 f00f3 calendar_plus f5f3 f00f4 calendar_remove f5f4 f00f5 calendar_text f5f5 f00f6 calendar_today f5f6 f00f7 call_made f5f7 f00f8 call_merge f5f8 f00f9 call_missed f5f9 f00fa call_received f5fa f00fb call_split f5fb f00fc camcorder f5fe f00ff camcorder_off f5ff f0100 camera f600 f0101 camera_enhance f601 f0102 camera_front f602 f0103 camera_front_variant f603 f0104 camera_iris f604 f0105 camera_party_mode f605 f0106 camera_rear f606 f0107 camera_rear_variant f607 f0108 camera_switch f608 f0109 camera_timer f609 f010a candycane f60a f010b car f60b f010c car_battery f60c f010d car_connected f60d f010e car_wash f60e f010f carrot f60f f0110 cart f610 f0111 cart_outline f611 f0112 cart_plus f612 f0113 case_sensitive_alt f613 f0114 cash f614 f0115 cash_100 f615 f0116 cash_multiple f617 f0118 cast f618 f0119 cast_connected f619 f011a castle f61a f011b cat f61b f011c cellphone f61d f011e cellphone_basic f61e f011f cellphone_dock f620 f0121 cellphone_link f621 f0122 cellphone_link_off f622 f0123 cellphone_settings f623 f0124 certificate f624 f0125 chair_school f625 f0126 chart_arc f626 f0127 chart_areaspline f627 f0128 chart_bar f628 f0129 chart_histogram f629 f012a chart_line f62a f012b chart_pie f62b f012c check f62c f012d check_all f62d f012e checkbox_blank f62e f0765 checkbox_blank_circle f62f f0766 checkbox_blank_circle_outline f630 f0131 checkbox_blank_outline f631 f0132 checkbox_marked f632 f0133 checkbox_marked_circle f633 f0134 checkbox_marked_circle_outline f634 f0135 checkbox_marked_outline f635 f0136 checkbox_multiple_blank f636 f0137 checkbox_multiple_blank_outline f637 f0138 checkbox_multiple_marked f638 f0139 checkbox_multiple_marked_outline f639 f013a checkerboard f63a f013b chemical_weapon f63b f013c chevron_double_down f63c f013d chevron_double_left f63d f013e chevron_double_right f63e f013f chevron_double_up f63f f0140 chevron_down f640 f0141 chevron_left f641 f0142 chevron_right f642 f0143 chevron_up f643 f0144 church f645 f0146 city f646 f0147 clipboard f647 f0148 clipboard_account f648 f0149 clipboard_alert f649 f014a clipboard_arrow_down f64a f014b clipboard_arrow_left f64b f014e clipboard_check f64c f014c clipboard_outline f64d f014d clipboard_text f64e f014f clippy f64f f0954 clock f650 f0151 clock_end f651 f0152 clock_fast f652 f0153 clock_in f653 f0154 clock_out f654 f0155 clock_start f655 f0156 close f656 f0157 close_box f657 f0158 close_box_outline f658 f0159 close_circle f659 f015a close_circle_outline f65a f015b close_network f65b f015c close_octagon f65c f015d close_octagon_outline f65d f015e closed_caption f65e f015f cloud f65f f0160 cloud_check f660 f0161 cloud_circle f661 f0162 cloud_download f662 f0163 cloud_outline f663 f0164 cloud_off_outline f664 f0165 cloud_print f665 f0166 cloud_print_outline f666 f0167 cloud_upload f667 f0168 code_array f668 f0169 code_braces f669 f016a code_brackets f66a f016b code_equal f66b f016c code_greater_than f66c f016d code_greater_than_or_equal f66d f016e code_less_than f66e f016f code_less_than_or_equal f66f f0170 code_not_equal f670 f0171 code_not_equal_variant f671 f0172 code_parentheses f672 f0173 code_string f673 f0174 code_tags f674 f0175 codepen f675 f0176 coffee f676 f0177 coffee_to_go f678 f0179 color_helper f679 f017a comment f67a f017b comment_account f67b f017c comment_account_outline f67c f017d comment_alert f67d f017e comment_alert_outline f67e f017f comment_check f67f f0180 comment_check_outline f680 f0181 comment_multiple_outline f681 f0182 comment_outline f682 f0183 comment_plus_outline f683 f0184 comment_processing f684 f0185 comment_processing_outline f685 f0186 comment_question_outline f686 f0187 comment_remove_outline f687 f0188 comment_text f688 f0189 comment_text_outline f689 f018a compare f68a f018b compass f68b f018c compass_outline f68c f018d console f68e f018f content_copy f68f f0190 content_cut f690 f0191 content_duplicate f691 f0192 content_paste f692 f0193 content_save f693 f0194 content_save_all f694 f0195 contrast f695 f0196 contrast_box f696 f0197 contrast_circle f697 f0198 cookie f698 f0199 counter f699 f019a cow f69a f0fef credit_card f69b f0ff0 credit_card_multiple f69c f0ff4 credit_card_scan f69d f019e crop f69e f019f crop_free f69f f01a0 crop_landscape f6a0 f01a1 crop_portrait f6a1 f01a2 crop_square f6a2 f01a3 crosshairs f6a3 f01a4 crosshairs_gps f6a4 f01a5 crown f6a5 f01a6 cube f6a6 f01a7 cube_outline f6a7 f01a8 cube_send f6a8 f01a9 cube_unfolded f6a9 f01aa cup f6aa f01ab cup_water f6ab f01ac currency_btc f6ac f01ad currency_eur f6ad f01ae currency_gbp f6ae f01af currency_inr f6af f01b0 currency_ngn f6b0 f01b1 currency_rub f6b1 f01b2 currency_try f6b2 f01c1 currency_usd f6b3 f01c0 cursor_default f6b4 f01bf cursor_default_outline f6b5 f01be cursor_move f6b6 f01bd cursor_pointer f6b7 f01bc database f6b8 f01bb database_minus f6b9 f01ba database_plus f6ba f01b9 debug_step_into f6bb f01b8 debug_step_out f6bc f01b7 debug_step_over f6bd f01b6 decimal_decrease f6be f01b5 decimal_increase f6bf f01b4 delete f6c0 f01b3 delete_variant f6c1 f01c2 delta f6c2 f01c3 deskphone f6c3 f01c4 desktop_mac f6c4 f01c5 desktop_tower f6c5 f01c6 details f6c6 f01c7 deviantart f6c7 f0b8a diamond f6c8 f0674 creation f6c9 f01ca dice_1 f6ca f01cb dice_2 f6cb f01cc dice_3 f6cc f01cd dice_4 f6cd f01ce dice_5 f6ce f01cf dice_6 f6cf f01d0 directions f6d1 f01d2 disqus f6d3 f01d4 division f6d4 f01d5 division_box f6d5 f01d6 dns f6d6 f01d7 domain f6d7 f01d8 dots_horizontal f6d8 f01d9 dots_vertical f6d9 f01da download f6da f01db drag f6db f01dc drag_horizontal f6dc f01dd drag_vertical f6dd f01de drawing f6de f01df drawing_box f6e1 f01e2 drone f6e2 f01e3 dropbox f6e3 f01e4 drupal f6e4 f01e5 duck f6e5 f01e6 dumbbell f6e6 f01e7 earth f6e7 f01e8 earth_off f6e9 f01ea eject f6ea f01eb elevation_decline f6eb f01ec elevation_rise f6ec f01ed elevator f6ed f01ee email f6ee f01ef email_open f6ef f01f0 email_outline f6f1 f0c68 emoticon f6f2 f0c6b emoticon_cool f6f3 f0c6f emoticon_devil f6f4 f0c71 emoticon_happy f6f5 f0c74 emoticon_neutral f6f6 f01f7 emoticon_poop f6f7 f0c76 emoticon_sad f6f8 f01f9 emoticon_tongue f6f9 f01fa engine f6fa f01fb engine_outline f6fb f01fc equal f6fc f01fd equal_box f6fd f01fe eraser f6fe f01ff escalator f6ff f0200 ethernet f700 f0201 ethernet_cable f701 f0202 ethernet_cable_off f703 f0204 evernote f704 f0205 exclamation f705 f05fc exit_to_app f706 f0207 export f707 f0208 eye f708 f0209 eye_off f709 f020a eyedropper f70a f020b eyedropper_variant f70b f020c facebook f70d f020e facebook_messenger f70e f020f factory f70f f0210 fan f710 f0211 fast_forward f711 f0212 fax f712 f0213 ferry f713 f0214 file f714 f0215 file_chart f715 f0216 file_check f716 f0217 file_cloud f717 f0218 file_delimited f718 f0219 file_document f71a f021b file_excel f71b f021c file_excel_box f71c f021d file_export f71d f021e file_find f71e f021f file_image f71f f0220 file_import f720 f0221 file_lock f721 f0222 file_multiple f722 f0223 file_music f723 f0224 file_outline f725 f0226 file_pdf_box f726 f0227 file_powerpoint f727 f0228 file_powerpoint_box f728 f0229 file_presentation_box f729 f022a file_send f72a f022b file_video f72b f022c file_word f72c f022d file_word_box f72e f022f film f72f f0230 filmstrip f730 f0231 filmstrip_off f731 f0232 filter f732 f0233 filter_outline f733 f0234 filter_remove f734 f0235 filter_remove_outline f735 f0236 filter_variant f736 f0237 fingerprint f737 f0238 fire f738 f0239 firefox f739 f023a fish f73a f023b flag f73b f023c flag_checkered f73c f023d flag_outline f73d f023e flag_variant_outline f73e f023f flag_triangle f73f f0240 flag_variant f740 f0241 flash f741 f0242 flash_auto f742 f0243 flash_off f743 f0244 flashlight f744 f0245 flashlight_off f746 f0247 flip_to_back f747 f0248 flip_to_front f748 f0249 floppy f749 f024a flower f74a f024b folder f74b f024c folder_account f74c f024d folder_download f74d f024e folder_google_drive f74e f024f folder_image f74f f0250 folder_lock f750 f0251 folder_lock_open f751 f0252 folder_move f752 f0253 folder_multiple f753 f0254 folder_multiple_image f754 f0255 folder_multiple_outline f755 f0256 folder_outline f756 f0257 folder_plus f757 f0258 folder_remove f758 f0259 folder_upload f759 f025a food f75a f025b food_apple f75b f025c food_variant f75c f025d football f75d f025e football_australian f75e f025f football_helmet f75f f0260 format_align_center f760 f0261 format_align_justify f761 f0262 format_align_left f762 f0263 format_align_right f763 f0264 format_bold f764 f0265 format_clear f765 f0266 format_color_fill f766 f0267 format_float_center f767 f0268 format_float_left f768 f0269 format_float_none f769 f026a format_float_right f76a f026b format_header_1 f76b f026c format_header_2 f76c f026d format_header_3 f76d f026e format_header_4 f76e f026f format_header_5 f76f f0270 format_header_6 f770 f0271 format_header_decrease f771 f0272 format_header_equal f772 f0273 format_header_increase f773 f0274 format_header_pound f774 f0275 format_indent_decrease f775 f0276 format_indent_increase f776 f0277 format_italic f777 f0278 format_line_spacing f778 f0279 format_list_bulleted f779 f027a format_list_bulleted_type f77b f027c format_paint f77c f027d format_paragraph f77d f027e format_quote_close f77e f027f format_size f77f f0280 format_strikethrough f780 f0281 format_strikethrough_variant f781 f0282 format_subscript f782 f0283 format_superscript f783 f0284 format_text f784 f0285 format_textdirection_l_to_r f785 f0286 format_textdirection_r_to_l f786 f0287 format_underline f787 f0288 format_wrap_inline f788 f0289 format_wrap_square f789 f028a format_wrap_tight f78a f028b format_wrap_top_bottom f78b f028c forum f78c f028d forward f78e f0290 fridge f792 f0293 fullscreen f793 f0294 fullscreen_exit f794 f0295 function f795 f0296 gamepad f796 f0297 gamepad_variant f797 f0298 gas_station f798 f0299 gate f799 f029a gauge f79a f029b gavel f79b f029c gender_female f79c f029d gender_male f79d f029e gender_male_female f79e f029f gender_transgender f79f f02a0 ghost f7a0 f0e44 gift f7a1 f02a2 git f7a4 f02a5 glass_flute f7a5 f02a6 glass_mug f7a6 f02a7 glass_stange f7a7 f02a8 glass_tulip f7a9 f02aa glasses f7aa f02ab gmail f7ab f02ac gnome f7ac f02ad google f7ad f02ae google_cardboard f7ae f02af google_chrome f7af f02b0 google_circles f7b0 f02b1 google_circles_communities f7b1 f02b2 google_circles_extended f7b2 f02b3 google_circles_group f7b3 f02b4 google_controller f7b4 f02b5 google_controller_off f7b5 f02b6 google_drive f7b6 f02b7 google_earth f7b7 f02b8 google_glass f7b8 f02b9 google_nearby f7bb f02bc google_play f7bc f02bd google_plus f7be f02bf google_translate f7c0 f02c1 grid f7c1 f02c2 grid_off f7c2 f02c3 group f7c3 f02c4 guitar_electric f7c4 f02c5 guitar_pick f7c5 f02c6 guitar_pick_outline f7c6 f02c7 hand_pointing_right f7c7 f02c8 hanger f7c9 f02ca harddisk f7ca f02cb headphones f7cb f02cc headphones_box f7cc f02cd headphones_settings f7cd f02ce headset f7ce f02cf headset_dock f7cf f02d0 headset_off f7d0 f08d0 heart f7d1 f02d2 heart_box f7d2 f02d3 heart_box_outline f7d3 f02d4 heart_broken f7d4 f18a0 heart_outline f7d5 f02d6 help f7d6 f02d7 help_circle f7d7 f02d8 hexagon f7d8 f02d9 hexagon_outline f7d9 f02da history f7da f02db hololens f7db f02dc home f7dc f02dd home_modern f7dd f02de home_variant f7de f02df hops f7df f0ff6 hospital f7e0 f02e1 hospital_building f7e1 f02e2 hospital_marker f7e5 f02e6 human f7e6 f02e7 human_child f7e7 f02e8 human_male_female f7e8 f02e9 image f7e9 f02ea image_album f7ea f02eb image_area f7eb f02ec image_area_close f7ec f02ed image_broken f7ed f02ee image_broken_variant f7ef f02f0 image_filter_black_white f7f0 f02f1 image_filter_center_focus f7f1 f02f2 image_filter_center_focus_weak f7f2 f02f3 image_filter_drama f7f3 f02f4 image_filter_frames f7f4 f0509 image_filter_hdr f7f5 f02f6 image_filter_none f7f6 f02f7 image_filter_tilt_shift f7f7 f02f8 image_filter_vintage f7f8 f02f9 image_multiple f7f9 f02fa import f7fa f02fb inbox_arrow_down f7fb f02fc information f7fc f02fd information_outline f7fd f02fe instagram f800 f0301 invert_colors f801 f0302 jeepney f802 f0303 jira f803 f0304 jsfiddle f804 f0305 keg f805 f0306 key f806 f0307 key_change f807 f0308 key_minus f808 f0309 key_plus f809 f030a key_remove f80a f030b key_variant f80b f030c keyboard f80c f030d keyboard_backspace f80d f030e keyboard_caps f80e f030f keyboard_close f80f f0310 keyboard_off f810 f0311 keyboard_return f811 f0312 keyboard_tab f812 f0313 keyboard_variant f813 f0314 kodi f814 f0315 label f815 f0316 label_outline f816 f0317 lan f817 f0318 lan_connect f818 f0319 lan_disconnect f819 f031a lan_pending f81a f031b language_csharp f81b f031c language_css3 f81c f031d language_html5 f81d f031e language_javascript f81e f031f language_php f81f f0320 language_python f821 f0322 laptop f826 f0327 launch f827 f0328 layers f828 f0329 layers_off f829 f032a leaf f82a f032b led_off f82b f032c led_on f82c f032d led_outline f82d f032e led_variant_off f82e f032f led_variant_on f82f f0330 led_variant_outline f830 f0331 library f834 f0335 lightbulb f835 f0336 lightbulb_outline f836 f0337 link f837 f0338 link_off f838 f0339 link_variant f839 f033a link_variant_off f83a f033b linkedin f83c f033d linux f83d f033e lock f83e f033f lock_open f83f f0340 lock_open_outline f840 f0341 lock_outline f841 f0342 login f842 f0343 logout f843 f0344 looks f844 f0345 loupe f845 f0346 lumx f846 f0347 magnet f847 f0348 magnet_on f848 f0349 magnify f849 f034a magnify_minus f84a f034b magnify_plus f84c f034d map f84d f034e map_marker f84e f034f map_marker_circle f84f f0350 map_marker_multiple f850 f0351 map_marker_off f851 f0352 map_marker_radius f852 f0353 margin f854 f0355 marker_check f856 f0357 material_ui f857 f0358 math_compass f85a f035b memory f85b f035c menu f85c f035d menu_down f85d f035e menu_left f85e f035f menu_right f85f f0360 menu_up f860 f0361 message f861 f0362 message_alert f862 f0363 message_draw f863 f0364 message_image f864 f0365 message_outline f865 f0366 message_processing f866 f0367 message_reply f867 f0368 message_reply_text f868 f0369 message_text f869 f036a message_text_outline f86a f036b message_video f86b f036c microphone f86c f036d microphone_off f86d f036e microphone_outline f86e f036f microphone_settings f86f f0370 microphone_variant f870 f0371 microphone_variant_off f871 f0372 microsoft f872 f0373 minecraft f873 f0374 minus f874 f0375 minus_box f875 f0376 minus_circle f876 f0377 minus_circle_outline f877 f0378 minus_network f878 f0379 monitor f879 f037a monitor_multiple f87a f037b more f87b f037c motorbike f87c f037d mouse f87d f037e mouse_off f87e f037f mouse_variant f87f f0380 mouse_variant_off f880 f0381 movie f881 f0382 multiplication f882 f0383 multiplication_box f883 f0384 music_box f884 f0385 music_box_outline f885 f0386 music_circle f886 f0388 music_note f888 f0389 music_note_half f889 f038a music_note_off f88a f038b music_note_quarter f88b f038c music_note_sixteenth f88c f038d music_note_whole f88d f038e nature f88e f038f nature_people f88f f0390 navigation f890 f0391 needle f893 f0394 new_box f894 f0395 newspaper f895 f0396 nfc f896 f0397 nfc_tap f897 f0398 nfc_variant f898 f0399 nodejs f899 f039a note f89a f039b note_outline f89b f039c note_plus f89c f039d note_plus_outline f89d f039e note_text f89e f039f notification_clear_all f89f f03a0 numeric f8a0 f03a1 numeric_0_box f8a1 f03a2 numeric_0_box_multiple_outline f8a2 f03a3 numeric_0_box_outline f8a3 f03a4 numeric_1_box f8a4 f03a5 numeric_1_box_multiple_outline f8a5 f03a6 numeric_1_box_outline f8a6 f03a7 numeric_2_box f8a7 f03a8 numeric_2_box_multiple_outline f8a8 f03a9 numeric_2_box_outline f8a9 f03aa numeric_3_box f8aa f03ab numeric_3_box_multiple_outline f8ab f03ac numeric_3_box_outline f8ac f03ad numeric_4_box f8ad f03b2 numeric_4_box_multiple_outline f8ae f03ae numeric_4_box_outline f8af f03b1 numeric_5_box f8b0 f03af numeric_5_box_multiple_outline f8b1 f03b0 numeric_5_box_outline f8b2 f03b3 numeric_6_box f8b3 f03b4 numeric_6_box_multiple_outline f8b4 f03b5 numeric_6_box_outline f8b5 f03b6 numeric_7_box f8b6 f03b7 numeric_7_box_multiple_outline f8b7 f03b8 numeric_7_box_outline f8b8 f03b9 numeric_8_box f8b9 f03ba numeric_8_box_multiple_outline f8ba f03bb numeric_8_box_outline f8bb f03bc numeric_9_box f8bc f03bd numeric_9_box_multiple_outline f8bd f03be numeric_9_box_outline f8be f03bf numeric_9_plus_box f8bf f03c0 numeric_9_plus_box_multiple_outline f8c0 f03c1 numeric_9_plus_box_outline f8c1 f03c2 nutrition f8c2 f03c3 octagon f8c3 f03c4 octagon_outline f8c4 f03c5 odnoklassniki f8c6 f03c7 oil f8c7 f0ff8 oil_temperature f8c8 f03c9 omega f8ca f03cb open_in_app f8cb f03cc open_in_new f8cc f03cd openid f8cd f03ce opera f8ce f03cf ornament f8cf f03d0 ornament_variant f8d0 f03d1 inbox_arrow_up f8d1 f03d2 owl f8d2 f03d3 package f8d3 f03d4 package_down f8d4 f03d5 package_up f8d5 f03d6 package_variant f8d6 f03d7 package_variant_closed f8d7 f03d8 palette f8d8 f03d9 palette_advanced f8d9 f03da panda f8da f03db pandora f8db f03dc panorama f8dc f03dd panorama_fisheye f8dd f1928 panorama_horizontal f8de f1929 panorama_vertical f8df f195f panorama_wide_angle f8e0 f03e1 paper_cut_vertical f8e1 f03e2 paperclip f8e2 f03e3 parking f8e3 f03e4 pause f8e4 f03e5 pause_circle f8e5 f03e6 pause_circle_outline f8e6 f03e7 pause_octagon f8e7 f03e8 pause_octagon_outline f8e8 f03e9 paw f8e9 f03ea pen f8ea f03eb pencil f8eb f03ec pencil_box f8ec f03ed pencil_box_outline f8ed f03ee pencil_lock f8ee f03ef pencil_off f8ef f03f0 percent f8f1 f03f2 phone f8f2 f03f3 phone_bluetooth f8f3 f03f4 phone_forward f8f4 f03f5 phone_hangup f8f5 f03f6 phone_in_talk f8f6 f03f7 phone_incoming f8f8 f03f9 phone_log f8f9 f03fa phone_missed f8fa f03fb phone_outgoing f8fb f03fc phone_paused f8fc f03fd phone_settings f8fd f03fe phone_voip f8fe f03ff pi f8ff f0400 pi_box f900 f0401 pig f901 f0402 pill f902 f0403 pin f903 f0404 pin_off f904 f0405 pine_tree f905 f0406 pine_tree_box f906 f0407 pinterest f908 f0409 pizza f909 f040a play f90a f040b play_box_outline f90b f040c play_circle f90c f040d play_circle_outline f90d f040e play_pause f90e f040f play_protected_content f90f f0410 playlist_minus f910 f0411 playlist_play f911 f0412 playlist_plus f912 f0413 playlist_remove f914 f0415 plus f915 f0416 plus_box f916 f0417 plus_circle f917 f0418 plus_circle_multiple_outline f918 f0419 plus_circle_outline f919 f041a plus_network f91c f041d pokeball f91d f041e polaroid f91e f041f poll f920 f0421 polymer f921 f0422 popcorn f922 f0423 pound f923 f0424 pound_box f924 f0425 power f925 f0426 power_settings f926 f0427 power_socket f927 f0428 presentation f928 f0429 presentation_play f929 f042a printer f92a f042b printer_3d f92b f042c printer_alert f92c f042d professional_hexagon f92d f042e projector f92e f042f projector_screen f92f f0430 pulse f930 f0431 puzzle f931 f0432 qrcode f932 f0433 qrcode_scan f933 f0434 quadcopter f934 f0435 quality_high f936 f0437 radar f937 f0438 radiator f938 f0439 radio f939 f043a radio_handheld f93a f043b radio_tower f93b f043c radioactive f93d f043e radiobox_marked f93f f0440 ray_end f940 f0441 ray_end_arrow f941 f0442 ray_start f942 f0443 ray_start_arrow f943 f0444 ray_start_end f944 f0445 ray_vertex f945 f0446 lastpass f946 f0447 read f947 f0448 youtube_tv f948 f0449 receipt f949 f044a record f94a f044b record_rec f94b f044c recycle f94c f044d reddit f94d f044e redo f94e f044f redo_variant f94f f0450 refresh f950 f0451 regex f951 f0452 relative_scale f952 f0453 reload f953 f0454 remote f954 f0455 rename_box f955 f0456 repeat f956 f0457 repeat_off f957 f0458 repeat_once f958 f0459 replay f959 f045a reply f95a f045b reply_all f95b f045c reproduction f95c f045d resize_bottom_right f95d f045e responsive f95e f045f rewind f95f f0460 ribbon f960 f0461 road f961 f0462 road_variant f962 f0463 rocket f963 f0ec7 rotate_3d f964 f0465 rotate_left f965 f0466 rotate_left_variant f966 f0467 rotate_right f967 f0468 rotate_right_variant f968 f0469 router_wireless f969 f046a routes f96a f046b rss f96b f046c rss_box f96c f046d ruler f96d f046e run_fast f96e f046f sale f96f f0470 satellite f970 f0471 satellite_variant f971 f0472 scale f972 f0473 scale_bathroom f973 f0474 school f974 f0475 screen_rotation f975 f0478 screen_rotation_lock f976 f0476 screwdriver f977 f0bc1 script f978 f0479 sd f979 f047a seal f97a f047b seat_flat f97b f047c seat_flat_angled f97c f047d seat_individual_suite f97d f047e seat_legroom_extra f97e f047f seat_legroom_normal f97f f0480 seat_legroom_reduced f980 f0481 seat_recline_extra f981 f0482 seat_recline_normal f982 f0483 security f983 f0484 security_network f984 f0485 select f985 f0486 select_all f986 f0487 select_inverse f987 f0488 select_off f988 f0489 selection f989 f048a send f98a f048b server f98b f048c server_minus f98c f048d server_network f98d f048e server_network_off f98e f048f server_off f98f f0490 server_plus f990 f0491 server_remove f991 f0492 server_security f994 f0495 shape_plus f995 f0496 share f996 f0497 share_variant f997 f0498 shield f998 f0499 shield_outline f999 f049a shopping f99a f049b shopping_music f99b f049c shredder f99c f049d shuffle f99d f049e shuffle_disabled f99e f049f shuffle_variant f99f f04a0 sigma f9a0 f04a1 sign_caution f9a1 f04a2 signal f9a2 f04a3 silverware f9a3 f04a4 silverware_fork f9a4 f04a5 silverware_spoon f9a5 f04a6 silverware_variant f9a6 f04a7 sim f9a7 f04a8 sim_alert f9a8 f04a9 sim_off f9a9 f04aa sitemap f9aa f04ab skip_backward f9ab f04ac skip_forward f9ac f04ad skip_next f9ad f04ae skip_previous f9ae f04af skype f9af f04b0 skype_business f9b0 f04b1 slack f9b1 f04b2 sleep f9b2 f04b3 sleep_off f9b3 f04b4 smoking f9b4 f04b5 smoking_off f9b5 f04b6 snapchat f9b6 f04b7 snowman f9b7 f04b8 soccer f9b8 f04b9 sofa f9b9 f04ba sort f9bb f04bc sort_ascending f9bc f04bd sort_descending f9be f04bf sort_variant f9bf f04c0 soundcloud f9c0 f04c1 source_fork f9c1 f04c2 source_pull f9c2 f04c3 speaker f9c3 f04c4 speaker_off f9c4 f04c5 speedometer f9c5 f04c6 spellcheck f9c6 f04c7 spotify f9c7 f04c8 spotlight f9c8 f04c9 spotlight_beam f9cb f04cc stack_overflow f9cc f04cd stairs f9cd f04ce star f9ce f04cf star_circle f9cf f0246 star_half f9d0 f04d1 star_off f9d1 f04d2 star_outline f9d2 f04d3 steam f9d3 f04d4 steering f9d4 f04d5 step_backward f9d5 f04d6 step_backward_2 f9d6 f04d7 step_forward f9d7 f04d8 step_forward_2 f9d8 f04d9 stethoscope f9d9 f04da stocking f9da f04db stop f9db f04dc store f9dc f04dd store_24_hour f9dd f04de stove f9de f04df subway_variant f9df f04e0 sunglasses f9e0 f04e1 swap_horizontal f9e1 f04e2 swap_vertical f9e2 f04e3 swim f9e3 f04e4 switch f9e4 f04e5 sword f9e5 f04e6 sync f9e6 f04e7 sync_alert f9e7 f04e8 sync_off f9e8 f04e9 tab f9e9 f04ea tab_unselected f9ea f04eb table f9eb f04ec table_column_plus_after f9ec f04ed table_column_plus_before f9ed f04ee table_column_remove f9ee f04ef table_column_width f9ef f04f0 table_edit f9f0 f04f1 table_large f9f1 f04f2 table_row_height f9f2 f04f3 table_row_plus_after f9f3 f04f4 table_row_plus_before f9f4 f04f5 table_row_remove f9f5 f04f6 tablet f9f6 f04f7 tablet_android f9f8 f04f9 tag f9f9 f04fa tag_faces f9fa f04fb tag_multiple f9fb f04fc tag_outline f9fc f04fd tag_text_outline f9fd f04fe target f9fe f04ff taxi f9ff f0500 teamviewer fa01 f0502 television fa02 f0503 television_guide fa03 f0504 temperature_celsius fa04 f0505 temperature_fahrenheit fa05 f0506 temperature_kelvin fa06 f0da0 tennis fa07 f0508 tent fa09 f050a text_to_speech fa0a f050b text_to_speech_off fa0b f050c texture fa0c f050d theater fa0d f050e theme_light_dark fa0e f050f thermometer fa0f f0510 thermometer_lines fa10 f0511 thumb_down fa11 f0512 thumb_down_outline fa12 f0513 thumb_up fa13 f0514 thumb_up_outline fa14 f0515 thumbs_up_down fa15 f0516 ticket fa16 f0517 ticket_account fa17 f0518 ticket_confirmation fa18 f0519 tie fa19 f051a timelapse fa1a f13ab timer fa1b f051c timer_10 fa1c f051d timer_3 fa1d f13ac timer_off fa1e f051f timer_sand fa1f f0520 timetable fa20 f0521 toggle_switch fa21 f0522 toggle_switch_off fa22 f0523 tooltip fa23 f0524 tooltip_edit fa24 f0525 tooltip_image fa25 f0526 tooltip_outline fa27 f0528 tooltip_text fa28 f08c3 tooth fa2a f052b traffic_light fa2b f052c train fa2c f052d tram fa2d f052e transcribe fa2e f052f transcribe_close fa2f f1065 transfer fa30 f0531 tree fa31 f0532 trello fa32 f0533 trending_down fa33 f0534 trending_neutral fa34 f0535 trending_up fa35 f0536 triangle fa36 f0537 triangle_outline fa37 f0538 trophy fa38 f0539 trophy_award fa39 f053a trophy_outline fa3a f053b trophy_variant fa3b f053c trophy_variant_outline fa3c f053d truck fa3d f053e truck_delivery fa3e f0a7b tshirt_crew fa3f f0a7c tshirt_v fa42 f0543 twitch fa43 f0544 twitter fa47 f0548 ubuntu fa48 f0549 umbraco fa49 f054a umbrella fa4a f054b umbrella_outline fa4b f054c undo fa4c f054d undo_variant fa4d f054e unfold_less_horizontal fa4e f054f unfold_more_horizontal fa4f f0550 ungroup fa51 f0552 upload fa52 f0553 usb fa53 f0554 vector_arrange_above fa54 f0555 vector_arrange_below fa55 f0556 vector_circle fa56 f0557 vector_circle_variant fa57 f0558 vector_combine fa58 f0559 vector_curve fa59 f055a vector_difference fa5a f055b vector_difference_ab fa5b f055c vector_difference_ba fa5c f055d vector_intersection fa5d f055e vector_line fa5e f055f vector_point fa5f f0560 vector_polygon fa60 f0561 vector_polyline fa61 f0562 vector_selection fa62 f0563 vector_triangle fa63 f0564 vector_union fa65 f0566 vibrate fa66 f0567 video fa67 f0568 video_off fa68 f0569 video_switch fa69 f056a view_agenda fa6a f056b view_array fa6b f056c view_carousel fa6c f056d view_column fa6d f056e view_dashboard fa6e f056f view_day fa6f f0570 view_grid fa70 f0571 view_headline fa71 f0572 view_list fa72 f0573 view_module fa73 f0574 view_quilt fa74 f0575 view_stream fa75 f0576 view_week fa76 f0577 vimeo fa7b f057c vlc fa7c f057d voicemail fa7d f057e volume_high fa7e f057f volume_low fa7f f0580 volume_medium fa80 f0581 volume_off fa81 f0582 vpn fa82 f0583 walk fa83 f0584 wallet fa84 f0585 wallet_giftcard fa85 f0586 wallet_membership fa86 f0587 wallet_travel fa87 f0588 wan fa88 f0589 watch fa89 f058a watch_export fa8a f058b watch_import fa8b f058c water fa8c f058d water_off fa8d f058e water_percent fa8e f058f water_pump fa8f f0590 weather_cloudy fa90 f0591 weather_fog fa91 f0592 weather_hail fa92 f0593 weather_lightning fa93 f0594 weather_night fa95 f0596 weather_pouring fa96 f0597 weather_rainy fa97 f0598 weather_snowy fa98 f0599 weather_sunny fa99 f059a weather_sunset fa9a f059b weather_sunset_down fa9b f059c weather_sunset_up fa9c f059d weather_windy fa9d f059e weather_windy_variant fa9e f059f web fa9f f05a0 webcam faa0 f05a1 weight faa1 f05a2 weight_kilogram faa2 f05a3 whatsapp faa3 f05a4 wheelchair_accessibility faa4 f05a5 white_balance_auto faa5 f05a6 white_balance_incandescent faa6 f05a7 white_balance_iridescent faa7 f05a8 white_balance_sunny faa8 f05a9 wifi faa9 f05aa wifi_off faab f05ac wikipedia faac f05ad window_close faad f05ae window_closed faae f05af window_maximize faaf f05b0 window_minimize fab0 f05b1 window_open fab1 f05b2 window_restore fab3 f05b4 wordpress fab5 f05b6 wrap fab6 f05b7 wrench fabf f05c0 xml fac0 f05c1 yeast fac3 f05c4 zip_box fac4 f05c5 surround_sound fac5 f05c6 vector_rectangle fac6 f05c7 playlist_check fac7 f05c8 format_line_style fac8 f05c9 format_line_weight fac9 f05ca translate facb f05cc opacity facc f18f0 near_me facd f0955 clock_alert face f05cf human_pregnant facf f1364 sticker fad0 f05d1 scale_balance fad2 f05d3 account_multiple_minus fad3 f05d4 airplane_landing fad4 f05d5 airplane_takeoff fad5 f05d6 alert_circle_outline fad6 f05d7 altimeter fad7 f05d8 animation fad8 f05d9 book_minus fad9 f05da book_open_page_variant fada f05db book_plus fadb f05dc boombox fadc f05dd bullseye fadd f05de comment_remove fade f05df camera_off fadf f05e0 check_circle fae0 f05e1 check_circle_outline fae1 f05e2 candle fae2 f05e3 chart_bubble fae3 f0ff1 credit_card_off fae4 f05e5 cup_off fae5 f05e6 copyright fae6 f05e7 cursor_text fae7 f05e8 delete_forever fae8 f05e9 delete_sweep fae9 f1155 dice_d20 faea f1150 dice_d4 faeb f1151 dice_d6 faec f1152 dice_d8 faee f05ef email_open_outline faef f05f0 email_variant faf0 f05f1 ev_station faf1 f05f2 food_fork_drink faf2 f05f3 food_off faf3 f05f4 format_title faf4 f05f5 google_maps faf5 f05f6 heart_pulse faf6 f05f7 highway faf7 f05f8 home_map_marker faf8 f05f9 incognito faf9 f05fa kettle fafa f05fb lock_plus fafc f05fd logout_variant fafd f05fe music_note_bluetooth fafe f05ff music_note_bluetooth_off faff f0600 page_first fb00 f0601 page_last fb01 f0602 phone_classic fb02 f0603 priority_high fb03 f0604 priority_low fb04 f0605 qqchat fb05 f0606 pool fb06 f0607 rounded_corner fb07 f0608 rowing fb08 f0609 saxophone fb09 f060a signal_variant fb0b f060c subdirectory_arrow_left fb0c f060d subdirectory_arrow_right fb0e f060f violin fb10 f0611 wechat fb11 f0612 watermark fb12 f0613 file_hidden fb13 f08c6 application fb14 f0615 arrow_collapse fb15 f0616 arrow_expand fb16 f028e bowl fb17 f0618 bridge fb19 f061a chip fb1a f061b content_save_settings fb1b f061c dialpad fb1d f061e format_horizontal_align_center fb1e f061f format_horizontal_align_left fb1f f0620 format_horizontal_align_right fb20 f0621 format_vertical_align_bottom fb21 f0622 format_vertical_align_center fb22 f0623 format_vertical_align_top fb24 f0625 help_circle_outline fb26 f0627 lambda fb27 f0628 matrix fb28 f0629 meteor fb2a f062b sigma_lower fb2b f062c source_branch fb2c f062d source_merge fb2d f062e tune fb2e f062f webhook fb2f f0630 account_settings fb31 f0632 apple_keyboard_caps fb32 f0633 apple_keyboard_command fb33 f0634 apple_keyboard_control fb34 f0635 apple_keyboard_option fb35 f0636 apple_keyboard_shift fb36 f0637 box_shadow fb37 f0638 cards fb38 f0639 cards_outline fb39 f063a cards_playing_outline fb3a f063b checkbox_multiple_blank_circle fb3b f063c checkbox_multiple_blank_circle_outline fb3c f063d checkbox_multiple_marked_circle fb3d f063e checkbox_multiple_marked_circle_outline fb3e f063f cloud_sync fb3f f0640 collage fb40 f0641 directions_fork fb41 f0642 eraser_variant fb44 f0645 file_tree fb45 f0646 format_annotation_plus fb46 f0647 gas_cylinder fb47 f0648 grease_pencil fb48 f0649 human_female fb49 f17c4 human_greeting fb4a f064b human_handsdown fb4b f064c human_handsup fb4c f064d human_male fb4d f064e information_variant fb4e f064f lead_pencil fb4f f0650 map_marker_minus fb50 f0651 map_marker_plus fb51 f0652 marker fb52 f0653 message_plus fb53 f0654 microscope fb54 f0655 move_resize fb55 f0656 move_resize_variant fb56 f0657 paw_off fb57 f0658 phone_minus fb58 f0659 phone_plus fb59 f02e5 pot fb5a f065b pot_mix fb5b f065c serial_port fb5c f065d shape_circle_plus fb5d f065e shape_polygon_plus fb5e f065f shape_rectangle_plus fb5f f0660 shape_square_plus fb60 f0661 skip_next_circle fb61 f0662 skip_next_circle_outline fb62 f0663 skip_previous_circle fb63 f0664 skip_previous_circle_outline fb64 f0665 spray fb65 f0666 stop_circle fb66 f0667 stop_circle_outline fb67 f0668 test_tube fb68 f0669 text_shadow fb69 f066a tune_vertical fb6a f066b cart_off fb6b f066c chart_gantt fb6d f066e chart_timeline fb6e f066f discord fb6f f0670 file_restore fb70 f0671 language_c fb71 f0672 language_cpp fb74 f0ff2 credit_card_plus fb76 f0678 bow_tie fb77 f0679 calendar_range fb78 f067a currency_usd_off fb79 f067b flash_red_eye fb7a f067c oar fb7b f067d piano fb7c f067e weather_lightning_rainy fb7d f067f weather_snowy_rainy fb7e f0680 yin_yang fb7f f0681 tower_beach fb80 f0682 tower_fire fb81 f0683 delete_circle fb82 f0684 dna fb83 f0685 hamburger fb84 f0686 gondola fb85 f0687 inbox fb86 f0688 reorder_horizontal fb87 f0689 reorder_vertical fb89 f068b tag_heart fb8a f068c skull fb8b f068d solid fb8c f068e alarm_snooze fb8d f13e0 baby_buggy fb8e f0cea beaker fb8f f0691 bomb fb90 f0692 calendar_question fb91 f0693 camera_burst fb92 f0694 code_tags_check fb94 f0696 crop_rotate fb95 f0697 developer_board fb99 f0c6e emoticon_dead fb9a f0c70 emoticon_excited fb9b f069d folder_star fb9c f069e format_color_text fb9d f069f format_section fb9f f06a1 home_outline fba0 f06a2 message_bulleted fba1 f06a3 message_bulleted_off fba2 f06a4 nuke fba3 f06a5 power_plug fba4 f06a6 power_plug_off fba5 f06a7 publish fba6 f099b restore fba7 f06a9 robot fba8 f06aa format_rotate_90 fba9 f06ab scanner fbaa f06ac subway fbab f06ad timer_sand_empty fbac f06ae transit_transfer fbad f06af unity fbae f06b0 update fbaf f06b1 watch_vibrate fbb0 f06b2 angular fbb1 f06b3 dolby fbb2 f06b4 emby fbb3 f06b5 lamp fbb4 f06b6 menu_down_outline fbb5 f06b7 menu_up_outline fbb6 f06b8 note_multiple fbb7 f06b9 note_multiple_outline fbb8 f06ba plex fbba f06bc account_edit fbbb f06bd alert_decagram fbbc f06be all_inclusive fbbd f06bf angularjs fbbe f06c0 arrow_down_box fbbf f06c1 arrow_left_box fbc0 f06c2 arrow_right_box fbc1 f06c3 arrow_up_box fbc2 f06c4 asterisk fbc3 f06c5 bomb_off fbc4 f06c6 bootstrap fbc5 f06c7 cards_variant fbc6 f06c8 clipboard_flow fbc7 f06c9 close_outline fbc8 f06ca coffee_outline fbc9 f06cb contacts fbca f06cc delete_empty fbcb f06cd earth_box fbcc f06ce earth_box_off fbcd f06cf email_alert fbce f06d0 eye_outline fbcf f06d1 eye_off_outline fbd0 f06d2 fast_forward_outline fbd1 f06d3 feather fbd2 f06d4 find_replace fbd3 f06d5 flash_outline fbd4 f06d6 format_font fbd5 f06d7 format_page_break fbd6 f06d8 format_pilcrow fbd7 f06d9 garage fbd8 f06da garage_open fbda f06dc google_keep fbdc f06de heart_half_full fbdd f06df heart_half fbde f06e0 heart_half_outline fbdf f06e1 hexagon_multiple fbe0 f06e2 hook fbe1 f06e3 hook_off fbe2 f06e4 infinity fbe3 f06e5 language_swift fbe4 f06e6 language_typescript fbe5 f06e7 laptop_off fbe6 f06e8 lightbulb_on fbe7 f06e9 lightbulb_on_outline fbe8 f06ea lock_pattern fbea f06ec magnify_minus_outline fbeb f06ed magnify_plus_outline fbec f06ee mailbox fbed f06ef medical_bag fbee f06f0 message_settings fbf0 f06f2 minus_box_outline fbf1 f06f3 network fbf2 f06f4 download_network fbf3 f06f5 help_network fbf4 f06f6 upload_network fbf5 f06f7 npm fbf6 f06f8 nut fbf7 f06f9 octagram fbf8 f06fa page_layout_body fbf9 f06fb page_layout_footer fbfa f06fc page_layout_header fbfb f06fd page_layout_sidebar_left fbfc f06fe page_layout_sidebar_right fbfd f06ff pencil_circle fbfe f0701 pentagon fbff f0700 pentagon_outline fc00 f0702 pillar fc01 f0703 pistol fc02 f0704 plus_box_outline fc03 f0705 plus_outline fc04 f0706 prescription fc05 f0707 printer_settings fc06 f0708 react fc07 f0709 restart fc08 f070a rewind_outline fc09 f070b rhombus fc0a f070c rhombus_outline fc0c f070e run fc0d f070f search_web fc0e f0710 shovel fc0f f0711 shovel_off fc10 f0712 signal_2g fc11 f0713 signal_3g fc12 f0714 signal_4g fc13 f0715 signal_hspa fc14 f0716 signal_hspa_plus fc15 f0717 snowflake fc16 f0718 source_commit fc17 f0719 source_commit_end fc18 f071a source_commit_end_local fc19 f071b source_commit_local fc1a f071c source_commit_next_local fc1b f071d source_commit_start fc1c f071e source_commit_start_next_local fc1d f071f speaker_wireless fc1e f0ff9 stadium fc1f f0721 svg fc20 f0722 tag_plus fc21 f0723 tag_remove fc22 f0724 ticket_percent fc23 f0725 tilde fc24 f0726 treasure_chest fc25 f0727 truck_trailer fc26 f0728 view_parallel fc27 f0729 view_sequential fc28 f072a washing_machine fc29 f072b webpack fc2a f072c widgets fc2c f072e arrow_down_bold fc2d f072f arrow_down_bold_box fc2e f0730 arrow_down_bold_box_outline fc2f f0731 arrow_left_bold fc30 f0732 arrow_left_bold_box fc31 f0733 arrow_left_bold_box_outline fc32 f0734 arrow_right_bold fc33 f0735 arrow_right_bold_box fc34 f0736 arrow_right_bold_box_outline fc35 f0737 arrow_up_bold fc36 f0738 arrow_up_bold_box fc37 f0739 arrow_up_bold_box_outline fc38 f073a cancel fc39 f073b file_account fc3a f073c gesture_double_tap fc3b f073d gesture_swipe_down fc3c f073e gesture_swipe_left fc3d f073f gesture_swipe_right fc3e f0740 gesture_swipe_up fc3f f0741 gesture_tap fc40 f0742 gesture_two_double_tap fc41 f0743 gesture_two_tap fc42 f0744 humble_bundle fc43 f0745 kickstarter fc44 f0746 netflix fc48 f074a vector_radius fc4f f0751 clipboard_plus fc50 f0752 file_plus fc51 f0753 format_align_bottom fc52 f0754 format_align_middle fc53 f0755 format_align_top fc54 f0756 format_list_checks fc55 f0757 format_quote_open fc56 f0758 grid_large fc57 f0759 heart_off fc58 f075a music fc59 f075b music_off fc5a f075c tab_plus fc5b f075d volume_plus fc5c f075e volume_minus fc5d f075f volume_mute fc5e f0760 unfold_less_vertical fc5f f0761 unfold_more_vertical fc60 f0762 taco fc61 f0763 square_outline fc62 f0764 square fc65 f0767 alert_octagram fc66 f0768 atom fc67 f0769 ceiling_light fc68 f076a chart_bar_stacked fc69 f076b chart_line_stacked fc6a f076c decagram fc6b f076d decagram_outline fc6c f076e dice_multiple fc6d f1153 dice_d10 fc6e f0770 folder_open fc6f f0771 guitar_acoustic fc70 f0772 loading fc71 f0773 lock_reset fc72 f0774 ninja fc73 f0775 octagram_outline fc74 f0776 pencil_circle_outline fc75 f0777 selection_off fc76 f0778 set_all fc77 f0779 set_center fc78 f077a set_center_right fc79 f077b set_left fc7a f077c set_left_center fc7b f077d set_left_right fc7c f077e set_none fc7d f077f set_right fc7e f0780 shield_half_full fc7f f0781 sign_direction fc80 f0782 sign_text fc81 f0783 signal_off fc82 f0784 square_root fc83 f0785 sticker_emoji fc84 f0786 summit fc85 f0787 sword_cross fc86 f0788 truck_fast fc88 f078a cast_off fc89 f078b help_box fc8a f078c timer_sand_full fc8b f078d waves fc8c f078e alarm_bell fc8d f078f alarm_light fc90 f0792 arrow_collapse_down fc91 f0793 arrow_collapse_left fc92 f0794 arrow_collapse_right fc93 f0795 arrow_collapse_up fc94 f0796 arrow_expand_down fc95 f0797 arrow_expand_left fc96 f0798 arrow_expand_right fc97 f0799 arrow_expand_up fc9a f079c bus_articulated_end fc9b f079d bus_articulated_front fc9c f079e bus_double_decker fc9d f079f bus_school fc9e f07a0 bus_side fc9f f07a1 camera_gopro fca0 f07a2 camera_metering_center fca1 f07a3 camera_metering_matrix fca2 f07a4 camera_metering_partial fca3 f07a5 camera_metering_spot fca4 f07a6 cannabis fca5 f07a7 car_convertible fca6 f07a8 car_estate fca7 f07a9 car_hatchback fca8 f07aa car_pickup fca9 f07ab car_side fcaa f07ac car_sports fcab f07ad caravan fcac f07ae cctv fcad f07af chart_donut fcae f07b0 chart_donut_variant fcaf f07b1 chart_line_variant fcb0 f07b2 chili_hot fcb1 f07b3 chili_medium fcb2 f07b4 chili_mild fcb3 f07b5 cloud_braces fcb4 f07b6 cloud_tags fcb5 f07b7 console_line fcb6 f07b8 corn fcb8 f07ba currency_cny fcb9 f07bb currency_eth fcba f07bc currency_jpy fcbb f07bd currency_krw fcbc f07be currency_sign fcbd f07bf currency_twd fcbe f07c0 desktop_classic fcbf f07c1 dip_switch fcc0 f07c2 donkey fcc1 f07c3 dots_horizontal_circle fcc2 f07c4 dots_vertical_circle fcc3 f07c5 ear_hearing fcc4 f07c6 elephant fcc6 f07c8 food_croissant fcc7 f07c9 forklift fcc8 f07ca fuel fcc9 f07cb gesture fcca f07cc google_analytics fccb f07cd google_assistant fccc f07ce headphones_off fccd f07cf high_definition fcce f07d0 home_assistant fccf f07d1 home_automation fcd0 f07d2 home_circle fcd1 f07d3 language_go fcd2 f07d4 language_r fcd3 f07d5 lava_lamp fcd4 f07d6 led_strip fcd5 f07d7 locker fcd6 f07d8 locker_multiple fcd7 f07d9 map_marker_outline fcd8 f07da metronome fcd9 f07db metronome_tick fcda f07dc micro_sd fcdc f07de movie_roll fcdd f07df mushroom fcde f07e0 mushroom_outline fcdf f07e1 nintendo_switch fce0 f07e2 null fce1 f07e3 passport fce3 f07e5 pipe fce4 f07e6 pipe_disconnected fce5 f07e7 power_socket_eu fce6 f07e8 power_socket_uk fce7 f07e9 power_socket_us fce8 f07ea rice fce9 f07eb ring fcea f07ec sass fcec f07ee soy_sauce fced f07ef standard_definition fcee f07f0 surround_sound_2_0 fcef f07f1 surround_sound_3_1 fcf0 f07f2 surround_sound_5_1 fcf1 f07f3 surround_sound_7_1 fcf2 f07f4 television_classic fcf4 f07f6 thought_bubble fcf5 f07f7 thought_bubble_outline fcf6 f07f8 trackpad fcf7 f07f9 ultra_high_definition fcf8 f07fa van_passenger fcf9 f07fb van_utility fcfa f07fc vanish fcfb f07fd video_3d fcfc f07fe wall fcfd f07ff xmpp fcfe f0800 account_multiple_plus_outline fcff f0801 account_plus_outline fd02 f0804 atlassian fd04 f0806 basketball fd05 f0807 battery_charging_wireless fd06 f0808 battery_charging_wireless_10 fd07 f0809 battery_charging_wireless_20 fd08 f080a battery_charging_wireless_30 fd09 f080b battery_charging_wireless_40 fd0a f080c battery_charging_wireless_50 fd0b f080d battery_charging_wireless_60 fd0c f080e battery_charging_wireless_70 fd0d f080f battery_charging_wireless_80 fd0e f0810 battery_charging_wireless_90 fd0f f0811 battery_charging_wireless_alert fd10 f0812 battery_charging_wireless_outline fd11 f0813 bitcoin fd12 f0814 briefcase_outline fd13 f0815 cellphone_wireless fd14 f0816 clover fd15 f0817 comment_question fd16 f0818 content_save_outline fd17 f0819 delete_restore fd18 f081a door fd19 f081b door_closed fd1a f081c door_open fd1b f081d fan_off fd1c f081e file_percent fd1d f081f finance fd1f f0821 floor_plan fd20 f0822 forum_outline fd21 f0823 golf fd22 f0824 google_home fd23 f0825 guy_fawkes_mask fd24 f0826 home_account fd25 f0827 home_heart fd26 f0828 hot_tub fd27 f0829 hulu fd28 f082a ice_cream fd29 f082b image_off fd2a f082c karate fd2b f082d ladybug fd2c f082e notebook fd2d f082f phone_return fd2e f0830 poker_chip fd2f f0831 shape fd30 f0832 shape_outline fd31 f0833 ship_wheel fd32 f0834 soccer_field fd33 f0835 table_column fd34 f0836 table_of_contents fd35 f0837 table_row fd36 f0838 table_settings fd37 f0839 television_box fd38 f083a television_classic_off fd39 f083b television_off fd3b f083d upload_multiple fd3c f083e video_4k_box fd3d f083f video_input_antenna fd3e f0840 video_input_component fd3f f0841 video_input_hdmi fd40 f0842 video_input_svideo fd41 f0843 view_dashboard_variant fd42 f0844 vuejs fd43 f0845 xamarin fd46 f0848 youtube_gaming ```
Finii commented 1 year ago
cat temp/2017-01-04-icon-cheat-sheet.md| grep "class-name\">nf-mdi-" | sed -E 's/.*ss-name">nf-mdi-//;s/<\/div>.*"codepoint">/ /;s/<\/div>$//'  | sed -E 's/([^ ]*) (.*)/\2 \1/' > MDI
cat temp/2017-01-04-icon-cheat-sheet.md| grep "class-name\">nf-md-" | sed -E 's/.*ss-name">nf-md-//;s/<\/div>.*"codepoint">/ /;s/<\/div>$//'  | sed -E 's/([^ ]*) (.*)/\2 \1/' > MD
wc MD*

cat MDI MD | sort -k 2 -r | uniq -f 1 -D | sed -E 'N;s/\n^(f....) .*/ \1/' | sort -k 2 | sed -E 's/([^ ]*) ([^ ]*) (.*)/\1 \3   \2/' | sort | xclip

To create the temp/ file:

cd bin/scripts
JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@Finii I'm going to try to add a migration in oh-my-posh so people can easily convert their configs to the new code points.

Finii commented 1 year ago

Maybe noteworthy is also #1061, where I have no solution but I bet ppl will complain :grimacing:

JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@Finii I noticed that as well and yes, this is an issue storm waiting to happen everywhere.

JanDeDobbeleer commented 1 year ago

@Finii I'm done with the migration code but I noticed something. In your list it shows fcd1, but that one can still be found in the cheat sheet. It converts to another go language icon, so I'm wondering if the set is correct.

Finii commented 1 year ago

The list just follows the glyph names they provide, and obviously they changed the appearance completely. Note also that the name is the same (and we get the names from upstream):


If people want to retain the outdated/obsolete Go logo (Go changed their logo) they can use seti instead:


(Hmm, the seti one looks different, I guess it's self-intersecting :unamused:)

Finii commented 1 year ago

Obviously Seti took the black-on-white logo and just inverted it, while MDI had a complete redraw:


Finii commented 1 year ago

Some glyphs seem to be dropped



beats and behance in this case.

Did not check systematically.

mischw commented 1 year ago

Quickly, with some sed, sort and uniq magic:


Edit: Add one final sort

open to see the list "old to new codepoint of material design icons":

I built a small python script to convert my configs and scripts. Seems to work for me. Maybe it is helpful for someone else. https://gist.github.com/mischw/78e8e42c2ebb1069560a2fc4573b1425

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity (i.e. last half year) after it was closed. It helps our maintainers focus on the active issues. If you have found a problem that seems similar, please open a new issue, complete the issue template with all the details necessary to reproduce, and mention this issue as reference.