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Wrong character for U+2588 (Full Block) in D2Coding #1454

Closed hdd1013 closed 6 months ago

hdd1013 commented 7 months ago

🗹 Requirements

🎯 Subject of the issue

Experienced behavior: U+2588 (Full Block), commonly used in progress bars, was incorrectly patched into a "Biohazard" symbol

Expected behavior: U+2588 (Full Block) in D2 Coding Ligature Nerd Font should show the correct Block element symbol

Example symbols: █, U+2588, Block Elements

🔧 Your Setup

★ Screenshots (Optional)

d2codingu2588 Normal Full Block symbol in the original D2Coding Font

d2codingnerdu2588 Incorrect symbol in the Nerd Font

d2block Screenshot of terminal output with the affected font

Finii commented 7 months ago

Thanks for reporting!


Finii commented 7 months ago

Unpatched font does not have it, checking where it comes from


Finii commented 7 months ago

They (D2Coding) link 2588 and E286 to make it 'one glyph' and with FontAwesomeExtension we patch into E286.

There is code that detects such cases, but obviously not good enough, or it had a different problem target, checking code.
