ryanoasis / nerd-fonts

Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
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Why are my fonts being uninstalled #1466

Closed Agent-E11 closed 5 months ago

Agent-E11 commented 6 months ago

🗹 Requirements

🎯 Subject of the issue

Experienced behavior:

Sometimes, when I turn off my computer, the fonts are "uninstalled", so that I have to go back and install them again for them to work. They aren't really being uninstalled, because when I try to install them again it tells me that they are already installed, but my terminal says that it the font is unavailable. The issue is fixed after I install them again (until it breaks again)

Expected behavior:

Fonts should stay available

Example symbols:


🔧 Your Setup

★ Screenshots (Optional)

Agent-E11 commented 6 months ago

Update: For some reason, it doesn't happen at every reboot

Finii commented 6 months ago

Sorry to hear of your problem.

I read you download the Caskaydia archive (zip or xz), unpack it and install the fonts 'normally' by double-clicking them?

If the fonts vanish, are they still visible in the 'fonts overview' dialogue (or how that is called, am not a frequent Windows user)? Are the font files still existing in the file system?

image Font overview thing

image Path where user installed fonts are on my machine

I usually install fonts under Windows the same way, in user mode, and never had this problem. Maybe try installing system-wide (as admin)?

Finii commented 5 months ago

Closed due to no response.