ryanoasis / nerd-fonts

Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
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Nerd font spacing wrong in gnome terminal #1511

Closed mcp292 closed 5 months ago

mcp292 commented 5 months ago

🗹 Requirements

🎯 Subject of the issue

Experienced behavior:

Font spacing wrong in gnome-terminal. Downloaded Hack, Noto, RobotoMono, and FiraCode in the same manner described below. Same issue with all.

Expected behavior:

Correct font spacing (see correct rendering in Screenshots).

Example symbols:

See Screenshots.

🔧 Your Setup

★ Screenshots (Optional)

Default "Monospace" (Noto Sans Mono, Regular): Screenshot from 2024-02-07 17-02-53

Hack Nerd Font Mono, Regular: Screenshot from 2024-02-07 17-03-40 (Notice how it stretched my terminal on change. Resizing or re-opening terminal did not fix spacing.)

Settings: Screenshot from 2024-02-07 17-05-53

Correct rending in Fonts app despite this: Screenshot from 2024-02-07 17-05-59

Finii commented 5 months ago

Sorry to hear of your problem ... investigating...

Downloaded 3.1.1 from release page as you linked above.


This looks ok on my machine:


I work on tilix with Delugia (seen in the background), and the font does look different. I do not know any Hack-specific signature shape to look for, but at least it is selected, looks different than my default, and does not have the issue you have.

Did you close all gnome-terminal instances after installing the fonts? Also your gnome terminal looks slightly different from mine.

Ah, typing exit into the terminal I notice how ugly uneven that looks, compare with Delugia below ;-)


But I guess the zero with a vertical-bar-y dot is signature for Hack? Seems like I have Hack in the gnome-terminal there.

I guess that is not a problem of the font but of your setup? Maybe try rebooting. Does the zero look like a Hack zero in your terminal?

Finii commented 5 months ago

I have this version


mcp292 commented 5 months ago

Thanks for your help! Reboot fixed it. That's my bad.

Screenshot from 2024-02-08 11-43-46 Screenshot from 2024-02-08 11-49-03

mfdorst commented 2 weeks ago

I also experienced this issue, and closing all terminal windows and reopening them fixed it. I wonder if it has to do with the fonts being installed while the terminal window is open.

Finii commented 2 weeks ago

For tilix when I want to see newly installed fonts without closing all preexisting windows, tilix --new-process comes in handy. Usually the font list is only read in on application start, and opening yet another window is no restart ;)

See for example in the screenshot here: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/issues/1638#issuecomment-2178195112

Edit: Add link to screenshot