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[Website] Colour contrast of the cheat sheet and changelog pages is very inaccessible #1524

Closed kazerniel closed 4 months ago

kazerniel commented 4 months ago

🗹 Requirements

🎯 Subject of the issue

Experienced behavior: The eye-watering colour contrast of these pages significantly harms my (and probably others') user experience. And I don't even have any vision impairments; users with such conditions are probably even more hindered.

Expected behavior: For the colour contrasts to be easy on the eyes of users. The probably least subjective way to achieve this would be to comply with APCA (or at least WCAG AA) standards.

Cheat sheet page: https://www.myndex.com/APCA/?BG=75715e&TXT=0fbfcf&DEV=G4g&BUF=A22

Changelog page: https://www.myndex.com/APCA/?BG=ff8b25&TXT=ffffff&DEV=G4g&BUF=A22

See the "APCA Guidelines: Bronze Level" dropdown on that comparison website for explanations of the contrast levels appropriate based on usage.

Example symbols:

🔧 Your Setup

★ Screenshots (Optional)


Finii commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the report and the excellent research/links.

The colors / design etc has been done aeons ago and never touched since.

Lets examine all pages. The background is dithered, I used the worse color (I hope).

page fg bg contrast usage comment
main 171717 ffffff 105 Small body text only
features 000000 a5d2d9 76 Body text okay
download ffffff 24678d -86 Body text okay
cheatsheet 4bbdd0 766d5e -32 Spot and non text only interestingly slightly different color than you reported
cheatsheet 4bbdd0 958f82 -16 No text usage This is the 'highlighted' text :vomiting_face:
contrib f8f8f8 d15941 -68 Fluent text okay
backers f8f8f8 ad73b2 -64 Fluent text okay
change f8f8f8 f38f27 -47 Large and sub-fluent text


To determine the colors I used a screenshot and Gimp's eyedropper, but: image

The reddish color in the background differs original to screenshot/gimp? At least to my eyes it looks a bit more orange-ish in Gimp.

... ah this is color management turned on in Gimp :relieved: Turning it off makes it show identical.

Finii commented 4 months ago

Possible alternatives:

Changelog: 000000 / ffa74e (67, Fluent text okay) Cheatsheet: 69e8ff / 696053 (-61, Fluent text okay)

Lets see if I can implement that change.

Finii commented 4 months ago

Looks probably better, except the 'removed' icon color


Finii commented 4 months ago

Much better!!! Thank you for triggering this.


Finii commented 4 months ago

@allcontributors please add @kazerniel for ally

allcontributors[bot] commented 4 months ago


I couldn't determine any contributions to add, did you specify any contributions? Please make sure to use valid contribution names.

Finii commented 4 months ago

@allcontributors please add @kazerniel for Accessibility

allcontributors[bot] commented 4 months ago


I've put up a pull request to add @kazerniel! :tada:

kazerniel commented 4 months ago

Thanks @Finii :)