ryanoasis / nerd-fonts

Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
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font-patcher: Correct icon path direction #1549

Closed Finii closed 3 months ago

Finii commented 3 months ago

[why] We create fonts with lots of path in the wrong direction. Although that is usually fine it is not guaranteed to be ok with all renderers.

[how] Just flatten the inserted glyph and then correct the path directions.

Output a debug message when that made the glyph worse or at least did not fix the direction.

A complete patched font changes from

======== AurulentSansMNerdFont-Regular_OLD.otf ========
Sum of problems: open 0, intersect 295, direction 5099 (for a total of 9710 glyphs)
======== CaskaydiaCoveNerdFont-Regular_OLD.ttf ========
Sum of problems: open 0, intersect 188, direction 5201 (for a total of 12477 glyphs)


======== AurulentSansMNerdFont-Regular_NEW.otf ========
Sum of problems: open 0, intersect 222, direction 4 (for a total of 9710 glyphs)
======== CaskaydiaCoveNerdFont-Regular_NEW.ttf ========
Sum of problems: open 0, intersect 185, direction 0 (for a total of 12477 glyphs)


DEBUG: Problematic glyph E0D0 (4 -> 8): uniE0D0
DEBUG: Problematic glyph E261 (8 -> 4): chess-pawn
DEBUG: Problematic glyph E2A2 (4 -> 8): isle
DEBUG: Problematic glyph E74C (4 -> 8): uniE64C
DEBUG: Problematic glyph E767 (4 -> 8): uniE667
DEBUG: Problematic glyph F342 (0 -> 4): QubesOS
DEBUG: Problematic glyph F34E (4 -> 2): OpenSCAD
DEBUG: Problematic glyph F470 (4 -> 8): logo-github
DEBUG: Problematic glyph F0DE4 (8 -> 4): pen-off
DEBUG: Problematic glyph F10F7 (8 -> 4): application-brace
DEBUG: Problematic glyph F1304 (8 -> 4): ski
DEBUG: Problematic glyph F1367 (8 -> 4): sticker-check
DEBUG: Problematic glyph F1675 (8 -> 4): paw-outline

where the bits are 2 : open path 4 : self intersecting 8 : wrong direction

One TTF and one OTF is shown because the standard direction is opposite for both formats.

Requirements / Checklist

What does this Pull Request (PR) do?

How should this be manually tested?

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What are the relevant tickets (if any)?

Screenshots (if appropriate or helpful)