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Some update changed PROPO glyphs size #1588

Closed SolsticeSpectrum closed 2 months ago

SolsticeSpectrum commented 3 months ago

πŸ—Ή Requirements

🎯 Subject of the issue

Experienced behavior: The propo glyphs were just fine couple of versions ago, I am not sure which version broke it because I haven't updated in like 3 months but now the glyph sizes are just all over the place some of them are just less bold than before

Also the leaf looked better before but that's just my opinion, the globe too

Expected behavior: It should be same as it was before

Example symbols: The problematic ones are: , ο†Ά, , , 󰖁, , , 

πŸ”§ Your Setup

β˜… Screenshots (Optional)

Before: image image image

After: image image image

Finii commented 3 months ago

Sorry to hear of your problems.

The icons listed as problematic are F06C F1B6 F269 F011 F0581 F048 F051 F2C9
fa-leaf fa-steam fa-firefox fa-power_off md-volume_off fa-backward_step fa-forward_step fa-temperature_half

Lets have a look, leaf seems unchanged



Maybe firefox-browser is more what you like (a bit taller?)


Backward got just more squarish


Maybe use another taller set for 'backward', for example nf-md-skip_previous?

So updates in design always will look strange to some while others see the old icons as too-old-fashioned and out of place.

Finii commented 3 months ago

I'm not sure yet, but I guess this is a not-a-bug unless I can be convinced it is. Labeling but keeping open.

Finii commented 2 months ago

Implemented a small (10%?) increase in size, but some icons are just smaller after the update, and we do not scale them generally (just as a whole).