ryanoasis / nerd-fonts

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FontAwesome: Reorder some glyphs #1596

Closed Finii closed 2 months ago

Finii commented 2 months ago


Fixes: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/pull/1563#issuecomment-2041632343

Hi, I detected that the glyph nf-fa-circle_thin at \uf1db () now is presented as a filled circle but before it was a thin ring. This exactly glyph is used in powerlevel10k to identify sr.ht git remote, I'm adding it to lazygit with the same purpose, that's how I found the problem.

From @hasecilu

More details in the comments.

Requirements / Checklist

What does this Pull Request (PR) do?

How should this be manually tested?

Any background context you can provide?

What are the relevant tickets (if any)?

Fixes: #1588 Fixes: #1593

Screenshots (if appropriate or helpful)

Finii commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting!

I guess the reason is that FA comes now with 3 sets of icons and we select one of the sets for each codepoint (script remix), and the super smart algorithm is not clever enough ;-)

Let me quickly check them all (again)




code observation result
F000 not filled This is from solid, there is no filled glass anymore
F009-F00B look inverse that is the new look
F05C - F95D check-marks became arrows Error: These should be from regular, where they are not the main codepoints
F0E6 talk bubble became plane Error: Icon should have been taken from regular
F10A - F10B now filled Error: F10A -> F3FA and F10B -> F3CD
F14D inverse? is already from solid, there is no inverse
F16A moved to F167 on dropping one YT icon Error: swap F167 and F16A
F172 inverse bitbucket missing? They dropped it, now there is the same icon twice in upstream
F1CC inverse? Thats the only jsfiddle they have
F1DB now filled Error: Take from regular instead
F20C "mp" dropped? dropped upstream
F219 not a diamond / gem anymore Error: use F3A5 from regular
F230 facebook square missing? has been dropped
F254 filled hourglass now unfilled there is no filled anymore
F262 what became of the old logo tripadvisor dropped
F27C " upstream substituted that
F289 " "
F29E now inverse? Thats the new audio description
F2AC check all snapchat icons dropped upstream
F2B4 now not filled new font awesome logo already from solid
F2D8 inverse upstream change
F2D9 - F2DA icon change? upstream change

Action plan

Finii commented 2 months ago
target was shall comment commit
F05C F30B solid/right-long.svg F05C regular/circle-xmark.svg 1
F05D F30C solid/up-long.svg F05D regular/circle-check.svg 1
F0E6 F374 brands/avianex.svg F0E6 regular/comments.svg 2
F10A F10A solid/tablet-button.svg F3FA solid/tablet-screen-button.svg use different icon 5
F10B F10B solid/mobile-button.svg F3CD solid/mobile-screen-button.svg use different icon 5
F167 F167 brands/youtube.svg F384 brands/cloudsmith.svg swapped 3
F16A F384 brands/cloudsmith.svg F167 brands/youtube.svg swapped 3
F1DB F1DB solid/circle.svg F1DB regular/circle.svg other set 4
F219 F219 solid/diamond.svg F3A5 regular/gem.svg 3
Finii commented 2 months ago

@hasecilu Thanks for having a look! :green_heart:

This release seems to have less problems than others, still not many problems reported :grimacing: