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New Mug Variant #1657

Open guttermonk opened 2 weeks ago

guttermonk commented 2 weeks ago

Issue: I wish there was a variant of nf-fa-mug_hot that didn't have the steam coming off of the mug, but was otherwise identical. I'd like to use nf-fa-mug_hot along with the variant I'm requesting as a toggle in waybar for my idle-inhibitor. This way it would look and behave similarly to the caffeine applet we've all grown to love.

Solution: Add a variant of nf-fa-mug_hot that doesn't have the steam coming off of the mug, but was otherwise identical.

Alternative solutions I've considered: I've looked for icon pairs of other beverages or stimulants that would be indicative of sleeping or staying awake.

Please leave a thumbs up if you'd like to see this icon added, or leave a comment below if you have any ideas for different icon pairs.