ryanoasis / vim-devicons

Adds file type icons to Vim plugins such as: NERDTree, vim-airline, CtrlP, unite, Denite, lightline, vim-startify and many more
MIT License
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vim-devicons slows down denite.vim significantly #204

Open sodiumjoe opened 7 years ago

sodiumjoe commented 7 years ago

Required Info

Optional features included (+) or not (-): +acl +iconv +jemalloc +tui For differences from Vim, see :help vim-differences

system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim" fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/local/Cellar/neovim/0.2.0/share/nvim"

- [ ] What **version** of vim-devicons are you using?
  - hint: `:echo webdevicons#version()`


- [x] Are you using vim from the terminal or a GUI vim?
- [x] Are you using Mac, Linux or Windows?

[This](https://github.com/ryanoasis/vim-devicons/pull/191#issuecomment-294517917) seems to indicate that there are some potential performance improvements. Thanks!

For now, I've disabled vim-devicons for denite by loading denite after vim-devicons.
ryanoasis commented 7 years ago

Thanks for creating the issue :smile:

For now, I've disabled vim-devicons for denite by loading denite after vim-devicons.

By the way there is a config for that but looks like we forgot to add it to the readme/doc:

let g:webdevicons_enable_denite = 0
gwezezale commented 4 years ago

Yeap, still we have it: denite + devicons => perfect recipe for Vim process Hang for a few seconds :( . I'm uninstalling devicons plugin

dessalines commented 3 years ago

This is still an issue. I get this when using comfortable-motion and vim-devicons.