ryanoasis / vim-devicons

Adds file type icons to Vim plugins such as: NERDTree, vim-airline, CtrlP, unite, Denite, lightline, vim-startify and many more
MIT License
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Icon's are all the same Question mark #269

Closed svliantiss closed 4 years ago

svliantiss commented 5 years ago

I've installed a Nerd-font and Devicons via Vim-Plug. I've followed and consulted the manpages but all the configurations seem to be correct returning 1 or that the font is set.

you can find my neovim setup here https://github.com/svliantiss/dotfiles/tree/master/neovim

I am using set guifont=DroidSansMono\ Nerd\ Font\ 11 set guifont=DroidSansMono\ Nerd\ Font:h11

It doesn't work on any of these platforms, but it does respond 1 or the correct font: Vim (on any of the plaforms below) Neovim (on any of the platforms below) Linux Ubuntu 19.04 MacOs Mojave iTerm2 and Terminal Linux Manjaro (up-to-date) Windows Subsystem for Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.02 TLS)


ryanoasis commented 5 years ago

This might be encoding issue?

Can you try:

set encoding=UTF-8
gallor commented 5 years ago

So I'm in the same boat using NeoVim. All 1s on all the debug items, set the guifont and matched the font in the iTerm settings. Using patched nerd fonts. Tried both set encoding=UTF-8 and set encoding=utf-8. Any other ideas to try?

svliantiss commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the late response, but yes that option of set encoding=UTF-8 has already been enabled.

brettswift commented 5 years ago

I don't know if this adds value to this post but I have a similar issue, except I'm getting chinese characters for javascript files, and .vim config files.


using neovim, i3, gnome-terminal, and that screenshot is from NERDTree.

sanjays0101 commented 5 years ago

Same issue with me as well (neovim), os: mac

jiftle commented 5 years ago

Same issue with me as well (vim), os: deepin linux but it is ok at a week ago . I copy windows fonts to /usr/share/fonts, maybe that is question. 深度截图_选择区域_20190902095551

get-me-power commented 4 years ago


Did you set Nerdfont on the terminal?

As below

スクリーンショット 2019-10-28 19 05 01

ps (it is iTerm2)

cnscorpions commented 4 years ago

@kazukazuinaina it does not work for setting up font in my gnom-terminal. my .vimrc is as follows: set encoding=UTF-8 set guifont=FiraCode\ NF\ 11

johnp2266 commented 4 years ago

Setting Hack Nerd Font works for me (I am using iTerm2)

get-me-power commented 4 years ago


set guifont is a setting for GUI such as GVim. So if you are using Vim on a terminal I don't think it helps. You needs to be selected and set Nerd font from the GNOME terminal.

get-me-power commented 4 years ago

I haven't received a reply from the author for a long time, so I'll close this issue. If you have any problems, feel free to restart or create a new one.

normancapule commented 4 years ago

Installing the font using nerd-fonts script fixed it for me https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts#option-3-install-script

e.g. ./install.sh FiraCode

LeoAJ commented 4 years ago

Setting Hack Nerd Font works for me (I am using iTerm2)

same situation for me, only Hack Nerd Font works, change to other fonts will show ? for all icons

kyp0717 commented 4 years ago

If you are in Mac, uyou need to set Hack Nerd Font in your profile (under the section Profiles -> Text -> Non-Ascii Font. Remember set it under Non-Ascii Font!!!

ryanoasis commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the follow ups

mikebobadilla commented 3 years ago

After updating iterm, I had to quit it so the changes would take effect.


gtsilva commented 2 years ago

Setting Hack Nerd Font works for me (I am using iTerm2)

vinybrasil commented 1 year ago

for those using windows/WSL, download the fonts here: https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads, install them by right clicking "install" on the selected files on windows and them switch to the new font on WSL.

granteagon commented 2 months ago

iTerm's profile select is not the most intuitive. Make sure you're setting the font on the right profile.

drjrm3 commented 1 month ago

I'm in a surprisingly nuanced and perhaps more confusion position.

I'm using iterm2, hack nerd font installed, ssh'ing into 2 of my own linux machines. One has question marks in places, the other does not (and looks perfectly fine as I would expected).

On my local laptop with nvim it looks more like the 'broken' (question mark) server. Any one else have this issue? Not sure how to resolve this one or even diagnose it.

worldsayshi commented 1 month ago

It finally worked for me on Windows Terminal after installing Hack Nerd Font for all users (right click -> show more options -> install for all users). And then setting the font in Settings -> Appearance -> Font Face. And restart the Terminal App. And maybe try doing it in a different order.