ryanrudolfoba / SteamDeck-Clover-dualboot

Script to install Clover - a graphical boot manager for the Steam Deck.
400 stars 24 forks source link

Can't install on BAZZITE OS #26

Open onetidd opened 10 months ago

onetidd commented 10 months ago

Hello i was using your script on my steamdeck on steam os for triple boot (Batocera, windows and steamos) and all worked nice. Now i would like to switch to bazzite OS (Fedora38) but i can't get pass the message "Sudo password is blank ..." everytime it asks to change the password but nothing happen.

Thanks in advance.

ryanrudolfoba commented 10 months ago

This script only works when being run on SteamOS. Although I am interested in Bazzite too once I have some free time I'll start to port it to Bazzite.

schabpiotr commented 9 months ago

I'm also interested in installing clover alongside Windows and BazziteOS. As Bazzite can be installed on standard Laptops and Desktops it will be a great addition when installed on a standard PC instead of GRUB, not only on a handheld PC like SteamDeck.

ryanrudolfoba commented 9 months ago

Yes I will start poking around on this. Just a heads up my testing will be mostly on Steam Deck or with PCs that have secure boot disabled.

There are extra steps needed for Clover to work on secure boot PCs.

DaVinylSmith commented 3 weeks ago

I know this is an old issue, but for anybody curious, I was able to get the installation process working with a bazzite/windows dual boot by replacing all references of '/esp/efi' to '/boot/efi/EFI' in install-Clover.sh & install-clover.sh

EDIT: I managed to get Clover-Toolbox working as well by doing the same thing to Clover-Toolbox.sh under 1Clover-tools once the installation process has completed