ryanrudolfoba / SteamOS-Waydroid-Installer

Script to easily install / uninstall Android via Waydroid on the Steam Deck running on SteamOS.
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How do I build the kernel modules? #112

Closed zqpvr closed 3 days ago

zqpvr commented 3 days ago

Just give a guide and I can try and build them and maybe do a pr.

BergaBruh commented 3 days ago

If you really want it - how to build kernel (documentation from Arch Wiki), building kernel with using binder (documentation from Arch Wiki) and SteamOS kernel (use needed tags and check commit SHA)

slynobody commented 3 days ago

let a script do the binder-module compilation and updating of your current install: https://github.com/slynobody/SteamOS-Waydroid-Installer

zqpvr commented 3 days ago

should not be hard.

zqpvr commented 3 days ago


zqpvr commented 3 days ago

I also tested this to work fine. I would like someone else to test this just in case. image

ryanrudolfoba commented 3 days ago


thanks for building it. you would need to do some minor update to the the installer script too -

define the variable for the new kernel (kernel5) - image

add kernel5 to the logic - image

zqpvr commented 3 days ago


zqpvr commented 3 days ago


ryanrudolfoba commented 3 days ago

PR merged! Thank you for building it!