ryanrudolfoba / SteamOS-Waydroid-Installer

Script to easily install / uninstall Android via Waydroid on the Steam Deck running on SteamOS.
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install magisk and libs #75

Closed Mstereme closed 2 months ago

Mstereme commented 2 months ago

Hello, could someone explain to me if it is possible and how to switch the lib (from libndk to libhoudini) and install magisk?

ryanrudolfoba commented 2 months ago

switch the lib (from libndk to libhoudini)

you would need the casualsnek script to uninstall libndk translation layer and then install libhoudini translation layer. \ libndk is geared towards AMD, and libhoudini for Intel. so really you shouldnt use libhoudini on the Steam Deck. \ and libhoudini wont fit on the var partition so that wont work too.

install magisk

same you will need the casualsnek script to install magisk. i tried several months ago magisk installs fine but still not able to root. afair you would also need a different kernel for magisk to work properly. let me know if you figure out magisk and i can update the script / process.