ryanrudolfoba / SteamOS-microSD

This repository contains the instructions and scripts on how to install SteamOS to a microSD.
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Recovery OS always auto mount /dev/mmcblk0p8 and cause script error #4

Closed chrisxvin closed 1 year ago

chrisxvin commented 1 year ago

Auto mount cause "Creating home partition..." error, mkfs.ext4 refused to execute when it is mounted.

So I try to manually create partition. Then modify ~/tools/repair_device_sdcard.sh", turn "writePartitionTable" to "0" at line 340, re-run your script. Success.

May be you can add more check about partition mounted? Thank you.

ryanrudolfoba commented 1 year ago

thanks for feedback. i'll see what i can do.

chrisxvin commented 1 year ago

Well...Sorry for not reading "Trouble Shooting". I installed OS into SD card once, but stuck at first boot. So I tried to re-install, then trigger the problem you say, the same partition layout. I just deleted all old parts, but did not create and format a new one. Nevermind, my deck is working fine now. Thank you for your great work!