ryansch / docker-unifi-rpi

Unifi Controller for Raspberry Pi 3+ and x86
347 stars 42 forks source link

Don't get any response on url #36

Closed thijsvanbloemendaal closed 5 years ago

thijsvanbloemendaal commented 5 years ago


I was trying to use the container you've created. I used the instructions ons the docker hub, but after the container started the url doesn't give any response. After the docker compose didn't work I tried to use the image directly like this: docker run -d --name="unifi" -v /home/pi/dockerdata/unifi/config:/var/lib/unifi -v /home/pi/dockerdata/unifi/log:/usr/lib/unifi/logs -v /home/pi/dockerdata/unifi/log2:/var/log/unifi -v /home/pi/dockerdata/unifi/run:/usr/lib/unifi/run -v /home/pi/dockerdata/unifi/run2:/run/unifi -v /home/pi/dockerdata/unifi/work:/usr/lib/unifi/work --restart unless-stopped --net=host ryansch/unifi-rpi:v5

But that is working neither.

Can you help me to get this running? I'm using a Raspian Pi 3b and i'm running more containers that are working.

Thanks in advance!

ryansch commented 5 years ago

@thijsvanbloemendaal The v5 tag isn't supported. Please try again with 5.

thijsvanbloemendaal commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the quick response @ryansch ! I've tried it already with latest and now with 5, but the behavior seems to stay the same. Docker PS shows me: Restarting (255) About a minute ago

The server.log file in folder config\logs is full with entries like: [2019-01-28 22:01:49,262] <main> WARN system - reload system.properties failed: file not found

ryansch commented 5 years ago

@thijsvanbloemendaal That's strange. Do you have a valid system.properties file? Does the container have write access to /home/pi/dockerdata/unifi/config?

thijsvanbloemendaal commented 5 years ago

@ryansch There is no system.properties file in the config directory, shouldn't that be created automatically? I'd say it does have write access since there are directories created and the server.log gets new lines written to it.

thijsvanbloemendaal commented 5 years ago

@ryansch Should the system.properties be created, I can't figure out why it doesn't create the file but does create the directories. I tried to set permissions to 777, but still no luck.

ryansch commented 5 years ago

@thijsvanbloemendaal If I look at the data inside of my container volume I see /var/lib/unifi/system.properties. What happened when you tried to use the docker-compose solution? This bug seems somehow related to your specific environment.

thijsvanbloemendaal commented 5 years ago

@ryansch a few days ago my sd card became corrupt. After reinstallation of the pi the image started working! Same steps so I still don’t understand how, but it works! Thanks for your help!