ryansolid / mobx-jsx

Raw MobX performance without being restrained by a Virtual DOM
MIT License
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mobx-jsx + vite = ? #41

Open valjusha opened 2 years ago

valjusha commented 2 years ago

Hello Ryan! Thanks for the interesting tool. But I can not start on vita With a clean config in runtime, the error is ReferenceError: React is not defined

My problem is parsing jsx markup.

i tried to replace esBuild:

  1. vite.config -> esbuild: false
  2. vite.config -> add "vite-babel-plugin"
  3. .babelrc write:
    "presets": ["@babel/preset-env"],
    "plugins": [
        "moduleName": "mobx-jsx",
        "alwaysCreateComponents": true

    but i am getting error: "Internal server error: Failed to parse source for import analysis because the content contains invalid JS syntax. If you are using JSX, make sure to name the file with the .jsx or .tsx extension."

    1:43:05 PM [vite] Internal server error: Failed to parse source for import analysis because the content contains invalid JS syntax. If you are using JSX, make sure to name the file with the .jsx or .tsx extension.
    Plugin: vite:import-analysis
    File: /project/src/client/index.tsx
    10 |    cleanup(() => clearInterval(timer));
    11 |  
    12 |    return <div>{state.counter}</div>;
     |                                      ^
    13 |  }
    14 |  

up. If add start-dom-jsx, then SyntaxError: The requested module '/node_modules/mobx-jsx/dist/h.js' does not provide an export named 'default' (client)

ryansolid commented 2 years ago

I'm a bit surprised the babel plugin didn't work. The files definitely need to have .jsx/.tsx extension. But I'd expect that to work.

We wrote a custom plugin for Solid to work with Vite. https://github.com/solidjs/vite-plugin-solid/blob/master/src/index.ts. The transform hook is the key part but admittedly I did not write this. I wouldn't expect start-dom-jsx or a different transformation to work.

valjusha commented 2 years ago

@ryansolid Tell me where to start to solve the launch problem mobx-jsx or find another "vite"?