ryansurf / cli-surf

Get surf and ocean data from the command line interface
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Suggestion to Refactor Flask Endpoint to Avoid Using `subprocess` #35

Open K-dash opened 1 month ago

K-dash commented 1 month ago

I was going to start working on the implementation of the server.py test code, but there were some areas where I thought the process could be improved, so I made this issue!

The current implementation of the Flask endpoint in app.py uses a subprocess to execute the run function from cli.py. I think this approach introduces extra overhead and complexity.

Current Code

def default_route():
... snip ...
def default_route():
    query_parameters = urllib.parse.parse_qsl(
        request.query_string.decode(), keep_blank_values=True
    parsed_parameters = []

    for key, value in query_parameters:
        if value:

    args = ",".join(parsed_parameters)

    async def run_subprocess():
            result = subprocess.run(
                ["python3", "src/cli.py", args],
            return result.stdout
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            print("Error message from subprocess:", e.stderr)
            raise e

    loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
    result = loop.run_until_complete(run_subprocess())
    return result


How about refactoring the code to import and call the run function directly from cli.py and eliminate the need for sub-processes? An image of the proposed amendment is below. (although error handling, etc. will need to be considered separately)

from src.cli import run  # Direct import

def default_route():
    query_parameters = urllib.parse.parse_qsl(
        request.query_string.decode(), keep_blank_values=True
    parsed_parameters = []

    for key, value in query_parameters:
        if value:

    args = ",".join(parsed_parameters)
    result = run(args)  # Direct function call
    return result

Of course, the cli.py side must also be modified to make this modification.

I think the advantages of calling cli.py directly are as follows.

@ryansurf However, I am wrong and may have missed something. If you are using Subprocess by design, please tell me why!

K-dash commented 1 month ago

If you change the code as I suggested, the output from cli.py would be the standard output of the Flask server, and the results would not be displayed in the terminal of the user who made the curl request. (This is because cli.py uses print statements to output the final ASCII art and the results obtained from the API.)

Also, if the concept of this tool is to be used from the CLI, then perhaps a sub-process implementation is still appropriate. My apologies. I found out a lot and solved the problem myself. Please feel free to close this Issue.

ryansurf commented 1 month ago

Indeed, the intention is to have it be mostly used from the CLI (although there is the frontend, as bad as it may be atm).

Before I saw this I was briefly trying to work on the server testing code, and I'm not sure how to move forward (to start the server we'd need to implement threading/subprocess to test it I think?).

I like your above implementation, it looks clean. I wonder if theres a way we can solve the terminal issue 🤔

Regardless, thanks for the writeup. I think we should improve the Flask code one way or another, its a little messy

K-dash commented 1 month ago

Before I saw this I was briefly trying to work on the server testing code, and I'm not sure how to move forward (to start the server we'd need to implement threading/subprocess to test it I think?).

Flask provides a Client feature for testing purposes, which we will use. With this, it is possible to run tests without starting the Flask server on the developer side:)


Sending Requests with the Test Client The test client makes requests to the application without running a live server.

K-dash commented 1 month ago

I like your above implementation, it looks clean. I wonder if theres a way we can solve the terminal issue 🤔

I'm currently using a print statement in cli.py, which is called from subprocess, to output the formatted result. there's a proposal to change this so that the result is returned to the user who executed the curl command as an "HTTP response".

However, Please note that adopting this change would require significant refactoring. Therefore, I think the decision to adopt it should be carefully considered based on the future benefits and the usability for future users (e.g. whether it leans more towards CLI operations or frontend usage). 🤔

K-dash commented 1 month ago

I was just thinking that if we focus on the frontend (reflecting the output results on the frontend), we could represent various ocean data in graphs, which would open up more possibilities. Although it doesn't quite align with the concept of cli-surf, haha. 😓

ryansurf commented 1 month ago

I was just thinking that if we focus on the frontend (reflecting the output results on the frontend), we could represent various ocean data in graphs, which would open up more possibilities. Although it doesn't quite align with the concept of cli-surf, haha. 😓

I agree. When I first started this project I was thinking only focusing on the cli, but why not a frontend? :joy:

I was actually trying to plot a forecast of the surf heights over a 7 day period using JSCharting and had it working, but I scrapped it (wasn't happy with how it looked). I think we should give it another go, altough my frontend skills are quite lacking lol

ryansurf commented 1 month ago

I like your above implementation, it looks clean. I wonder if theres a way we can solve the terminal issue 🤔

I'm currently using a print statement in cli.py, which is called from subprocess, to output the formatted result. there's a proposal to change this so that the result is returned to the user who executed the curl command as an "HTTP response".

However, Please note that adopting this change would require significant refactoring. Therefore, I think the decision to adopt it should be carefully considered based on the future benefits and the usability for future users (e.g. whether it leans more towards CLI operations or frontend usage). 🤔

I think this would be a good change. I'm going to look into this today, seems like it shouldn't be too much work... but those are some famous last words

K-dash commented 1 month ago

I was actually trying to plot a forecast of the surf heights over a 7 day period using JSCharting and had it working, but I scrapped it (wasn't happy with how it looked). I think we should give it another go, altough my frontend skills are quite lacking lol

That's a great initiative! I'm familiar with ChartJS, but I wasn't aware of JSCharting. Thank you. As for the frontend, I don't have much knowledge either and am currently learning about it. 😇

K-dash commented 1 month ago

@ryansurf Are you familiar with Streamlit?

https://streamlit.io/ https://streamlit.io/gallery

With Streamlit, you can implement a frontend using only Python code. It allows for easy data visualization and dashboard creation, making it suitable for various data science use cases. So, it might be worth considering adopting it. However, since Streamlit is ultimately a Python-based framework, if complex UI becomes necessary, I believe it would be necessary to adopt a frontend framework.

ryansurf commented 1 month ago

@ryansurf Are you familiar with Streamlit?

https://streamlit.io/ https://streamlit.io/gallery

With Streamlit, you can implement a frontend using only Python code. It allows for easy data visualization and dashboard creation, making it suitable for various data science use cases. So, it might be worth considering adopting it. However, since Streamlit is ultimately a Python-based framework, if complex UI becomes necessary, I believe it would be necessary to adopt a frontend framework.

This is cool!

Hmm, thats what im debating at the moment. We could have a simple frontend that uses streamlit. We can also implement a more complex frontend that lets users login, save surf spots, etc. Issue is I am not a big frontend person :joy:

I think we should use this for now