ryantxu / spatial-solr-sandbox

A demo web-app for Lucene spatial, plus some extra spatial implementations that use LGPL libs (JTS).
Apache License 2.0
25 stars 11 forks source link

solr core of demo application #5

Open demo055 opened 10 years ago

demo055 commented 10 years ago

I have multiple web applications in tomcat and i have problem solr core to be accessible on specific url. Explanation here:


dsmiley commented 10 years ago

Spatial-Solr-Sandbox is a demonstration and tool. It makes hard-coded assumptions that Solr is available at "/solr/". I suggest not trying to deploy it to anything; just run it via "mvn jetty:run".

demo055 commented 10 years ago

Thank you i understand now. But could you please tell me how can i add LSE support to my SOLR 4.0?

dsmiley commented 10 years ago

That depends on what it is you want in LSE. You could start by simply adding the JAR and add appropriate field types like you see in the demo app's schema. But LSE is compiled against trunk and, for example, the BBox field is based on a "Spatial Strategy" that has yet to be ported from trunk to 4x. It should port easily.

namid commented 9 years ago

Sorry this might not be the right forum to post in, but I'm looking for any benchmarks for spatial search performance - in particular the BBoxStrategy. Is there a better place where I could ask this question?


dsmiley commented 9 years ago

The right forum would be the Lucene java user list. Even if this were the right one, you should create a new issue, not hijack this one.

Nevertheless, no, I don't know of someone who has benchmarked it. If you want to do so, I recommend Lucene's benchmark module, which already has a sample spatial ".conf" but it may need a little more code, such as the hook to instantiate a BBoxStrategy. It can turn point data (from geonames out of the box) into boxes for benchmarking purposes. It will instantiate a RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy which I know is supported. If you have further questions, please ask them in some other context besides this unrelated issue/thread.