ryanuber / go-license

Software licensing standardization library for Golang
MIT License
69 stars 15 forks source link

Add ".rst" suffix to the pile #11

Open client9 opened 9 years ago

client9 commented 9 years ago



site:github.com copying.st


client9 commented 9 years ago



client9 commented 9 years ago

FWIW, In another project, I just ignore the filename suffix to produce a list of candidates.

Seems to be ok.

// LicenseFilePrefix is a list of filename prefixes that indicate it
//  might contain a software license
var LicenseFilePrefix = []string{
//Mine has "copyright" and "copyleft" too

// IsPossibleLicenseFile returns true if the filename might be contain a software license
func IsPossibleLicenseFile(filename string) bool {
        lowerfile := strings.ToLower(filename)
        for _, prefix := range LicenseFilePrefix {
                if strings.HasPrefix(lowerfile, prefix) {
                        return true
        return false