ryanve / action

Extensible HTML5 WordPress parent theme
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Favor Microdata over Microformats #1

Closed ryanve closed 10 years ago

ryanve commented 11 years ago

HTML5 microdata is more systematic and resilient than class-reliant microformats. Microdata is supported by major search engines. It seems redundant to duplicate the same data. Test some URLs here. Are there any reasons to include both? Microdata seems sufficient.

christopheranderton commented 10 years ago

(Ok. Old issue, but anyway) Have also ask myself the same questions on a project i'm working on. Fore me Schema.org Microdata is clearly the ”winner” in every way.

Just for reference. Some say that Microdata is dead (read the comments also) http://manu.sporny.org/2013/microdata-downward-spiral/

https://plus.google.com/115203359751471044302/posts/92VKitpppB4 (interesting discussion ”behind the scenes”)

ryanve commented 10 years ago

@Deluxive That's interesting news. I like microdata's syntax but I guess now it'll need to be RDFa Lite. RDFa and its variants are capable but verbose. See Manu's comparison too. Google's data reader helps test them.

WP adds .hentry to its post_class. Basics like .entry-title are easy enough to include. It's not obvious that those classes relate to hentry. Using [class] for data violates SoC. [rel] is probably the sanest microformat. Outside WP, valid [rel] values are the only microformat I use. Google supports ?rel=author links.

ryanve commented 10 years ago

Microdata schemas applicable to the theme (like Article and Brand) are pretty basic and well-conveyed by semantic tags alone. I don't think adding microdata or RDFa adds much value to the theme. Removing microdata saves some code and seems like the best solution for the theme.