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Clarity: interaction of color systems #7

Open ryanve opened 6 years ago

ryanve commented 6 years ago

diana twitter.com/broccolini interaction of color systems

jina art and science of css etsy selling tools with cap

ryanve commented 6 years ago

styles are a gateway drug for empowering designers to code

ryanve commented 6 years ago

challenging color is subjective there's a lot to learn

hsl hsb hsv more intuitive lightness brightness

colorable colorizer.org

munsell rune madson: history color negelected

systems engineer i see red people orange you glad i updated these vars

with conficdence

2449 hex values in github


building the palette expanding the accessilble range ~8~ 7 dad jeans blue spectrurm

ryanve commented 6 years ago

prio high use iconinc parts of ui freq use

high use labels status

iconic contribution graph

frequent repo pages

ryanve commented 6 years ago

ix of color mass blue folder example

ryanve commented 6 years ago

ho do colors interact color difference deuteranomaly red green +- green (primary) doesnt pass all cases github is util invisible vs rip off bandaid

ryanve commented 6 years ago

colors in same family define system rules hue darkest must pass with lightest

naming conventions what is important for you

know color by name only internalizeing vocab for convos

ornage cara cara creamsicle blinding sandstorm

ryanve commented 6 years ago

airbnb A11Y COLORS airbnb rAuSH COLORS

ryanve commented 6 years ago


gray-400 blue-100

ryanve commented 6 years ago

text red btn red

btn warning btn danger

ryanve commented 6 years ago

programming color

perceived bend hue

weber-fechner law actual vs perceived

perc hard to calc rune madson prcedurarllu generating

palx https://palx.jxnblk.com/

ryanve commented 6 years ago

~2449~ 1870

23% of code 80% uses see

ryanve commented 6 years ago


ryanve commented 6 years ago

color is the most relative medium in art

ryanve commented 6 years ago

palette cmposition | context observation control | . don't control but can test

ryanve commented 6 years ago

colorable spectrum color picker palx

ryanve commented 6 years ago

asap early or pay later improve dont degrade monetary value