ryanvolz / radioconda

Software radio distribution and installer for conda
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red pitaya seems to be missing #23

Closed DrSDR closed 2 years ago

DrSDR commented 2 years ago

i just installed this package for windows. usrp, hackrf all work great. however could not get red pitaya to work. in other window install, i used gr-osmocom blocks with string redpitaya= this did not work with radioconda. any ideas? thanks

ryanvolz commented 2 years ago

It's pretty straightforward: not realizing it didn't require its own hardware package, I didn't enable red pitaya support when building the packages! It should be easy to remedy that, but it will probably be a few days. Thanks for the report!

ryanvolz commented 2 years ago

If you run mamba upgrade gnuradio-osmosdr within your radioconda environment from the Conda Prompt, you should then be able to use a Red Pitaya with the OsmoSDR blocks. Let me know if there are further issues.

I intend to add support for the Red Pitaya through SoapySDR blocks later, but that will require a new package.