ryanvolz / radioconda

Software radio distribution and installer for conda
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Hermes Lite 2 Transceiver Support #50

Open GW4ABP-P opened 1 year ago

GW4ABP-P commented 1 year ago

Hi Ryan,

Could you possibly add support for the Hermes Lite2. This is a popular amateur radio kit transceiver.

I have the necessary OOT blocks running on GR3.10 under Ubuntu 22.04LTS on a PC and a Pi4.

The block code can be found at the address below:


Daniel (the author) is also a contributor to GNU Radio Satellites.

It would be nice to have this running on Windows.

Mike G4ABP

ryanvolz commented 1 year ago

Hey @daniestevez, is it possible to tag a release of gr-hermeslite2? Anything I should know about packaging this?

daniestevez commented 1 year ago

Hi Ryan, I've just tagged a release of gr-hermeslite2 (v1.0.0.0). I don't know if this will build under Windows. It uses some UNIX networking stuff, including ioctl() (see this function for an example).

ryanvolz commented 1 year ago

I finally took a look at this today. It was pretty easy to get the conda recipe working for Linux and macOS, but yeah Windows is a problem because of the networking. I'm afraid I don't have time to work on porting it myself, so for now I'll just move ahead with making non-Windows packages. Since there is a tagged release (thanks @daniestevez!), I'll also submit the recipe to conda-forge at some point.

I'll be sending a PR with the completed recipe shortly. If anyone wants to hack on a Windows port, enabling CI building/testing on Windows is an easy add-on that could be helpful for getting a port to compile.