ryanvolz / radioconda

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Is there any instruction for creating OOT module in Windows 10? #57

Closed yourarchipelago closed 1 month ago

yourarchipelago commented 1 year ago

The instruction in GnuRadio website is totally for Linux user which is very different from Windows - Radioconda.

ryanvolz commented 1 year ago

The procedure is essentially the same, when running from the "Conda Prompt" installed by radioconda. You can use the gr_modtool command as the tutorial describes. When it comes to compiling the module, you might need to also install gnuradio-build-deps (i.e. run mamba install gnuradio-build-deps) and pass additional flags to CMake as described here.

yourarchipelago commented 1 year ago

I tried to port a python OOT module in Windows 10, it was easy and sound. However when it came to c++ OOT module, things went wrong. The project was compiled and built successfully, then I copied .dll and .lib file into "%CONDA_PREFIX%\Library" and the yml file into "%CONDA_PREFIX%\Library\share\gnuradio\grc\blocks\", but when the module was called in Gnuradio, it seemed that Gnuradio was running a python source file, so the c++ OOT would not be called.

Since there is no instrutions and documents, I really don't know how to port a c++ OOT module.

ryanvolz commented 1 year ago

When you say that you copied files into the %CONDA_PREFIX%, do you mean that you did this manually? Or did you install them by running cmake --build . --target install? If actually manually, first I would not recommend that, and second, the .dll should go into %CONDA_PREFIX%\Library\bin and the .lib should go into %CONDA_PREFIX%\Library\lib.

But you didn't mention Python bindings for your OOT module, which is usually how one would connect GNU Radio companion to a C++ block (GRC makes a python script that uses the python bindings for the block which use the C++ block library). Did you run gr_modtool bind to create Python bindings? (You probably need to pip install pygccxml for automatic binding to work, but I don't know for sure as I've never created a C++ OOT module from scratch.) And of course the Python bindings would need to be installed with cmake --build . --target install.

You might have better luck asking about the OOT creation process on the GNU Radio chat or mailing list since my experience there is lacking. I only really know how to provide the tools to facilitate the process, not the details of the process.

yourarchipelago commented 1 year ago

Sorry, it has been a long time since the issue was initialized.

yourarchipelago commented 1 year ago

I tried all these methods above but found that the dll and lib will be targeted at the directory - "c:\programe files.....". I think the position of files is irrelavent, the real thing is that the "dlls" cannot be called in Radioconda.

ryanvolz commented 11 months ago

Can you walk me through all of the exact steps that you are taking? I think you're probably missing calling cmake with arguments like -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="%CONDA_PREFIX%\Library" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="%CONDA_PREFIX%\Library" -DGR_PYTHON_DIR="%CONDA_PREFIX%\Lib\site-packages", but I don't know that for sure without knowing the full procedure of what you're doing.

ryanvolz commented 1 month ago

I think this is somewhat covered by https://wiki.gnuradio.org/index.php/CondaInstall#Building_OOT_modules_to_use_with_conda-installed_GNU_Radio, so I'm closing to clean up the issue tracker. Please feel free to re-open if you have a follow-up.