ryanw-mobile / OctoMeter

🔥Kotlin Multiplatform Desktop/Android/iOS Energy Tracker app
88 stars 8 forks source link

Add Codacy check and badge #195

Closed ryanw-mobile closed 1 month ago

ryanw-mobile commented 1 month ago

Adding automated code quality check

codacy-production[bot] commented 1 month ago

Coverage summary from Codacy

See diff coverage on Codacy

Coverage variation Diff coverage
Report missing for 77610a5bc12dcc197141e8a238f73eaf58679d57[^1] :white_check_mark: ∅
Coverage variation details | | Coverable lines | Covered lines | Coverage | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | Common ancestor commit (77610a5bc12dcc197141e8a238f73eaf58679d57) | Report Missing | Report Missing | Report Missing | | | Head commit (0d04990b5d51c0f40c232b0236a178e358baf209) | 1705 | 780 | 45.75% | **Coverage variation** is the difference between the coverage for the head and common ancestor commits of the pull request branch: ` - `
Diff coverage details | | Coverable lines | Covered lines | Diff coverage | | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | Pull request (#195) | 0 | 0 | **∅ (not applicable)** | **Diff coverage** is the percentage of lines that are covered by tests out of the coverable lines that the pull request added or modified: `/ * 100%`

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Codacy stopped sending the deprecated coverage status on June 5th, 2024. Learn more [^1]: Codacy didn't receive coverage data for the commit, or there was an error processing the received data. Check your integration for errors and validate that your coverage setup is correct.