rydmike / flex_color_scheme

A Flutter package to make and use beautiful color scheme based themes.
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No android navigation bar in themes playground simulator when running in web platform #188

Open venkata-reddy-dev opened 9 months ago

venkata-reddy-dev commented 9 months ago


There is no representation of android system navigation bar in simulator of themes playground. and as a developer i know technically we can't achieve this in simulator in simpler way. the ideal way is run themes playground in android device to see the preview of changes.

Solution / Suggestion:

Just add some helpful message in section of android system navigation bar. so that it helps themes playground users.

Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 7 38 24 PM
rydmike commented 9 months ago

Hi @RR-Reddy,

Thanks for the suggestion. The Theme simulator is just wrapping a few simple demo "app" widgets in a "device_frame" view provided by package https://pub.dev/packages/device_frame. So yes it is not in anyway or form representative of a real device or even when using a device emulator or simulator.

It is only intended to give a rough idea of the look and feel of an app using the active theme on a selected approximation of a device, of each included demo app.

Sure a brief explanation of this might be a helpful addition to the Theme simulation info expand part. I'll add a mentioned of this in the next update.

Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 15 45 59

Technically I could add a mock navigation bar on the bottom of all the devices, but that might be equally confusing as it would not really do anything. 😄