rydmike / flex_color_scheme

A Flutter package to make and use beautiful color scheme based themes.
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The example should be updated when PersistentBottomSheetController's type param has been removed #222

Open huynguyennovem opened 3 months ago

huynguyennovem commented 3 months ago

Hello Mike, I just pulled your example and found there is an issue on and afterward: https://github.com/rydmike/flex_color_scheme/blob/be91c990c9b99afadd56a65b00b02412a00fe13a/example/lib/example5_themes_playground/widgets/panels/theme_simulator/app_example_material3/component_screen.dart#L1656

The type 'PersistentBottomSheetController' is declared with 0 type parameters, but 1 type arguments were given.

I'm on the latest stable channel 3.19.3. I see this error is caused by the change at https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/137791. The fix is simple, just remove <void> in some error places there.

rydmike commented 3 months ago

Thanks @huynguyennovem a good and known find,

I am aware of this change in the framework, and this change in the SDK has been addressed in the yet unreleased branch 7-4-0, some time ago.

I now added a link to this report in the changelog, in the 7-4-0 branch that also already fixes this issue in example 5. I did not merge the otherwise correct fix PR you submitted (thank you for the submission), since the issue has already been fixed in this branch prior to the submission of the fix.

Next I need to find the time to get all the other things done that I have planned for version 7.4.0. Been very busy with my day job project.

I had planned to postpone making a new release of FlexColorScheme until version 8.0.0, and also include some breaking changes in it. But I think I will instead go back to making all the planned 7.4.0 features and postpone the breaking changes.

With next Flutter stable release, after 3.19.x, there will again very likely be many breaking changes in theming due to new ColorScheme colors. So at that point I need to release a breaking version of FlexColorScheme as well.

I now need to get version 7.4.0 out maybe next week, and then start a new 8.0.0 branch and work against Flutter master channel with it, to prepare for coming next Flutter release.

I will keep this issue report open until version 7.4.0 has been released.

The issue does not impact the package itself, but yes it does if anybody wants to build the Example5/Playground, so it should be fixed "soonish" 😄 👍🏻

huynguyennovem commented 3 months ago

As usual, your feedback and issue description (on Flutter repo) are always informative. Thank you for sharing. I'm using flex_color_scheme for my new app, this is a great package for theming Flutter apps. Since you have fixed this issue for the upcoming release, I will close the PR :)