ryenski / radiant-comments

Radiant Comments
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Comments Extensions conflicts? #6

Closed rosslaird closed 13 years ago

rosslaird commented 13 years ago

There seem to be various comments extensions, and I think I have inadvertently installed two different ones that contain different snippets. At the moment, my comment form works, the comments show up in the admin interface, I can approve them and so on, and I seem to have successfully setup Mollom. But the comments snippet does not render the comments. Here is the main part of the code in that snippet:

/r:commentblog comments powered by Disqus The above does not throw any errors, but it does not render anything either. I am beginning to wonder if this snippet is the wrong one, and has overwritten (as the install docs for this extension say it will) another snippet that was installed for a different comments extension. This all sounds very complicated. But I think it must be quite simple to fix, as the comments are working properly in the admin interface. I am running version 0.0.7. Suggestions or ideas are most welcome. Thanks in advance.
saturnflyer commented 13 years ago

I'm mostly maintaining this extension at https://github.com/saturnflyer/radiant-comments and backporting the changes here.

But the "comment" tag is a tag from the Radiant core. It refers to a code comment, that is to say, the contents will not be a part of the site... it hides content.

We're fixing that in a future release of Radiant so that you'd use a "hide" tag, which is much clearer in purpose.

So your code is working as expected here. The "comment" tag is hiding it's contents.

rosslaird commented 13 years ago

Thanks for the prompt feedback. I am a very new user of Radiant (refugee from Drupal), and still figuring out how to use the system. Given your comments above, can you point me to a simple code snippet for showing (and not hiding) my comments? I did not write the "comments" snippet with the hiding code -- it came with the comments extension -- so I wonder why it would expressly not work to show comments? I see that there are various comment tags available, so I can probably figure out much of this (so far, I have figured out how to show the number of comments on the page, but that's all). Just a little nudge in the right direction will get me going. Thanks again.

saturnflyer commented 13 years ago

Your snippet did not come from the comments extension. See https://github.com/saturnflyer/radiant-comments/blob/master/README.rdoc https://github.com/saturnflyer/radiant-comments/blob/master/HELP_admin.markdown https://github.com/saturnflyer/radiant-comments/blob/master/HELP_designer.markdown

These are the snippets that are created https://github.com/saturnflyer/radiant-comments/blob/master/db/migrate/002_create_snippets.rb

rosslaird commented 13 years ago

Thanks for the info. If the snippet did not come from the comments extension, where the heck did it come from? I am certain that I did not create it. (I don't expect an answer to this; it's just very odd.)

rosslaird commented 13 years ago

On my setup, the other snippets (comment, comment_form, and comment_spam_block) are the same as installed by this extension; it's only the comments snippet that was somehow overwritten. (I also have anther snippet -- not created by me -- called comments_summary).I have copied the appropriate code and all is working now as expected. Thanks again for you help, and for contributing to such a great application.

rosslaird commented 13 years ago

This was really bugging me (where did the wrong snippet come from?), so I kept thinking about what might have happened. And I found the solution: the errant snippet (and the comments_summary snippet) both exist in the radiant demo at demo.radiantcms.org. I'm not sure whether these snippets were created when I initially started up the "roasters" configuration, or whether I copied them from the demo. But either way, that's where they came from. I imagine that other new users to Rails/Radiant are going to do similar things as me, such as use the demo as a kind of template and reference base when building sites. I know that I have gone back to the demo several times to check my code against this "reference code." So, if other users like me are trying to get comments installed, and (like me) they really don't know enough about what they are doing (and are trying to learn), they could find themselves in the same situation. So, I wonder if the "reference code" on the demo site should be updated with the current comments extension code. Just a thought.