rymlks / USSGroundhog

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Make a level around the turret prop #170

Open sapphon opened 1 year ago

sapphon commented 1 year ago

Given that turrets that make you bleed are implemented And given that tourniquets are implemented Then create a puzzle in which it is required that you begin to bleed via turret in order to die on a control console And then it is required that you survive a turret's bleed timer by using a tourniquet item

sapphon commented 1 year ago

Level concept: housing, dining, and medical support for VIPs New puzzle skills emphasized:

* dying from bleeding damage
* using slot machines to obtain cure items
* curing bleeding damage 
* using switches to toggle several doors at once, effectively reconfiguring the level
* rolling frozen corpse through guillotine too short for player

Puzzle tree:

* You must get to the Captain's quarters to find the key to the exit
    * To get to the Captain's quarters you must roll a corpse into the XO's quarters
        * To access the XO's quarters you need to open the fire doors from Security
            * When the fire doors are open, entrance turrets are blocked but others unblock
            * To access Security you need to unlock the stairs junction by dying on it, and to unlock the stairs with a keycard from the med lounge
                * To get the keycard from Med Lounge, you will have to have cured the bleeding you took coming through the level's main entrance
                    * To cure bleeding, you can obtain a tourniquet from the machine in the med lab
                * To die on the stairs junction you can just run there from where the turrets at the entrance cause you to bleed

Respawn points: None

Openable shortcuts:

* Entrance <-> Stairs Junction passage
* Entrance <-> Crew Quarters elevator

Joke ideas:

* There's a slot machine that can grant the keycard you need to go straight to the end, but it's a 1/1000 chance or sth
sapphon commented 1 year ago
sapphon commented 1 year ago

Emergent goals: