ryouchinsa / Rectlabel-support

RectLabel is an offline image annotation tool for object detection and segmentation.
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Boolean operators and disconnected objects #166

Closed fabmeyer closed 4 years ago

fabmeyer commented 4 years ago

How can I assign two polygons to the same object? (Add two polygons) How can I subtract one polygon from another?

I want to create a dataset for COCO / Mask R-CNN


fabmeyer commented 4 years ago

Excuse me, I found out how to solve the problem (Label Pixels)

Maybe It would be nice to be able to merge and subtract layers of labels in the labels list (on the right side of the window) via right click on two selected labels?

ryouchinsa commented 4 years ago

Thanks for writing the issue.

As you know, using brush polygon tool, you can merge/subtract multiple polygons.

Maybe It would be nice to be able to merge and subtract layers of labels in the labels list

We wonder that how is the data format in COCO JSON format. http://cocodataset.org/#format-data

"id": int, 
"image_id": int, 
"category_id": int, 
"segmentation": RLE or [polygon], 
"area": float, 
"bbox": [x,y,width,height], 
"iscrowd": 0 or 1,

When merge multiple polygons, it would be like this.

"segmentation": [[polygon1], [polygon2], ...], 

When subtract, we do not know the data format.