Closed ryouchinsa closed 1 year ago
After labeling polygons, use "Export COCO JSON file" on the Export menu. Each annotation dictionary includes the "bbox" and "segmentation" of the polygon.
You can train the Mask R-CNN model on Detectron2.
{ "annotations": [ { "area": 594876, "bbox": [328, 832, 780, 2252], "category_id": 1, "id": 1, "image_id": 1, "iscrowd": 0, "segmentation": [ [493, 985, 496, 961, 503, 926, 527, 881, 569, 848, 624, 832, 701, 838, 767, 860, 790, 931, 803, 963, 802, 972, 846, 970, 896, 969, 896, 977, 875, 982, 847, 984, 793, 987, 791, 1001, 783, 1009, 785, 1022, 791, 1024, 787, 1027, 795, 1041, 804, 1059, 811, 1072, 810, 1081, 800, 1089, 788, 1092, 783, 1098, 784, 1115, 780, 1120, 774, 1123, 778, 1126, 778, 1136, 775, 1140, 767, 1140, 763, 1146, 767, 1164, 754, 1181, 759, 1212, 751, 1264, 815, 1283, 839, 1303, 865, 1362, 880, 1442, 902, 1525, 930, 1602, 953, 1640, 996, 1699, 1021, 1773, 1039, 1863, 1060, 1920, 1073, 1963, 1089, 1982, 1102, 2013, 1107, 2037, 1107, 2043, 1099, 2046, 1097, 2094, 1089, 2123, 1074, 2137, 1066, 2153, 1033, 2172, 1024, 2166, 878, 2293, 868, 2335, 855, 2372, 843, 2413, 838, 2445, 820, 2497, 806, 2556, 805, 2589, 809, 2622, 810, 2663, 807, 2704, 793, 2785, 772, 2866, 742, 2956, 725, 3000, 724, 3013, 740, 3024, 757, 3029, 778, 3033, 795, 3033, 812, 3032, 812, 3046, 803, 3052, 791, 3063, 771, 3069, 745, 3070, 733, 3074, 719, 3077, 702, 3075, 680, 3083, 664, 3082, 631, 3072, 601, 3061, 558, 3058, 553, 3039, 558, 3023, 566, 3001, 568, 2983, 566, 2960, 572, 2912, 571, 2859, 567, 2781, 572, 2698, 576, 2643, 583, 2613, 604, 2568, 628, 2527, 637, 2500, 636, 2468, 629, 2445, 621, 2423, 673, 2409, 726, 2388, 807, 2344, 878, 2293, 1024, 2166, 1023, 2129, 1019, 2093, 1004, 2057, 996, 2016, 1000, 1979, 903, 1814, 860, 1727, 820, 1647, 772, 1547, 695, 1637, 625, 1736, 556, 1854, 495, 1986, 459, 2110, 446, 1998, 449, 1913, 401, 1819, 362, 1720, 342, 1575, 328, 1440, 335, 1382, 348, 1330, 366, 1294, 422, 1248, 437, 1222, 450, 1190, 466, 1147, 482, 1107, 495, 1076, 506, 1019, 497, 1016] ] }], "categories": [ { "id": 1, "name": "person" }], "images": [ { "file_name": "jesse-hammer-4fWuS52jENk-unsplash.jpg", "height": 3422, "id": 1, "width": 2738 }] }
Currently If you need our support to fix this problem, please let us know.
After labeling polygons, use "Export COCO JSON file" on the Export menu. Each annotation dictionary includes the "bbox" and "segmentation" of the polygon.
You can train the Mask R-CNN model on Detectron2.