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Tracker and Wiki for managing the Boost transition to modularized Git
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Local mirror of Boost SVN on ci.boost.org #6

Closed dabrahams closed 11 years ago

dabrahams commented 11 years ago

In process:

aptitude install screen subversion
adduser --system svnsync
cd ~svnsync
sudo -u svnsync -H svnadmin create boost

if [ "\$USER" = "svnsync" ]; then exit 0; fi

echo "Only the svnsync user can change revprops" >&2
exit 1
chmod +x boost/hooks/pre-revprop-change
sudo -u svnsync -H svnsync init file:///home/svnsync/boost http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost
screen sudo -u svnsync -H svnsync synchronize file:///home/svnsync/boost
dabrahams commented 11 years ago

To close this ticket I'll need to first set up a cron job that does the sync command periodically

dabrahams commented 11 years ago

Sync is done; I created this crontab so it's sync'ing every 5 minutes.

# m h  dom mon dow   command
  5 *   *   *   *       svnsync synchronize -q file:///home/svnsync/boost