rystanley / genepopedit

Simple and flexible manipulation of genomic data.
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'PopPosition' not found #9

Closed RSchley closed 5 years ago

RSchley commented 5 years ago

Hi there,

When I run the commands:

_popdef_table <- read.csv("popdef.csv")

bgc_input_Brownea<- genepop_bgc(genepop="populations_bgc_new.snps.genepop.txt", path="C:/Users/Username/Documents/",popdef=popdef_table, fname="YasuniBrownea")

I get the following error:

Error in insertvals(x, breaks = PopPosition, newVal = paste0("pop", : object 'PopPosition' not found.

I have converted my genepop output file from STACKS to genepop using pgdspider (which changed it from 4-digit to 6-digit alleles) , with loci in a list one on top of the other. How can I resolve this issue? Or am I missing something?

Thanks a lot for your help, Rowan

RSchley commented 5 years ago

Ah- nevermind, this problem is solved. I had sample names in my popdef file rather than just the names of parental and admixed populations. Thanks

rystanley commented 5 years ago

Glad to see it works. I hope the package is useful for your research.