It occurs sometime a trobule that a local costmap does not overlap with the global map in the navigation by move_base using emcl2.
Is this problem due to a non-convergence of emcl2 localization caluculation ? OR
Is its problem due to a set of parameters that are related with move_base/costmap/dwa ?
Could you like advise to solve this problem ?
I send a picture of simulation result.
Left side: gazebo
Right side: rviz
Dear Prof.,
It occurs sometime a trobule that a local costmap does not overlap with the global map in the navigation by move_base using emcl2.
Is this problem due to a non-convergence of emcl2 localization caluculation ? OR Is its problem due to a set of parameters that are related with move_base/costmap/dwa ?
Could you like advise to solve this problem ? I send a picture of simulation result. Left side: gazebo Right side: rviz
Best Regards